Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Serving Humanity
Vol. 89, No. 36 President – Mary Peterhaensel Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: April 20, 2017 – Speaker will be Marilyn Botdorf of the Foster Grandparent Program. Melissa Laniewski is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
April 13, 2017: With Toby Skinner serving as host, and Art Bowen complimented by the cook/owner as he provided a complimentary appetizer, seventeen Rotarians enjoyed another good lunch at Vinnie’s in Middleburg. John Fischer moved, and multiple folks seconded, a motion to declare Bob Soper an honorary member of the Selinsgrove Rotary Club. This makes it clear that Bob is welcome to attend anytime without continuing to pay dues. Motion approved by acclimation. John will tell Bob when he meets with him this afternoon. Lunch was followed by a Vocational program, a tour of Timberhaven Log and Timber Homes, now located at 1081 Salem Church Road, Middleburg. Joe Faulkner and his partner developed the business when Kuhn Brothers Log Homes disbanded during the housing crisis. Using mostly Eastern White Pine, Timberhaven prepares “packages” of all the items needed to construct a lob or timber home. With some 46 home plans prepared to help buyers design and develop their “perfect” home, Timberhaven, with 18 fulltime employees and 50 + sales persons around the country and internationally, uses a kiln dry process that was very interesting to see.
Announcements: Mallet Madness – May 19-20, 2017 – planning continues. Donna distributed the sponsorship brochures. John S reminded all of the potential sponsors to help recruit players for their special charity.*There will not be a 2017 Distinguished Service Award.**Board has voted to increase dues beginning in July, 2017 to account for the increase in the District dues.***District Conference is scheduled for May 11-14 at Split Rock Lodge – see Hal for additional information. Mary will be making a presentation about the activities of the Selinsgrove Club and is has asked specific members to provide additional information about particular projects.****Marv Rudnitsky is looking for host families for our 16 year old female inbound exchange student from South Korea (she has excellent English language skills). Please consider being a host family and/or contributing toward the $100 per month spending money that is to be provided to the student.
Future Programs
April 27 – Mallet Madness and a role for every Selinsgrove Rotarian – with presenters John Stokinger and Jared Roush. Dottie Anderson is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
May 4 – Speaker is Charlie Benner on the 35th anniversary of the World’s Longest Banana Split. Ken Miller is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
May 11 – Meet the SACF/Rotary Club 2017 Scholarship Recipients. Dave Lawer is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
May 18 – Marv Rudnitsky is the host for this Young Generations program featuring both the Four Way Speech Contest winner, accompanied by Brittany Bunting-Specht, French teacher and Forensics Club Advisor, and Amelia Will, our out bound Exchange Student.
Birthdays: April 28 – Bob Fogle. May 15 – John Stokinger.
Quotation: “For myself I am an optimist—it does not seem to be much use being anything else.”
Winston Churchill