May 25, 2017

 Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Serving Humanity

Vol. 89, No. 42                                     President – Mary Peterhaensel                                Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting: June 1, 2017 – Eunice Troxell from the Selinsgrove Senior Center will be the speaker. Earl Ferster is the host and Wes Knapp is the greeter. A Board Meeting precedes at 11. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.


May 25, 2017: Twenty-four Rotarians were present as host Art Bowen presented “The Great Egg Crate. Tom Gates was the greeter. Art’s presentation was interesting and amusing as he presented the history of the egg carton (originally developed in 1911 following a debate between a hotel owner and a farmer about responsibility for a broken egg) from paper, to cardboard, to plastic. He pointed out the information available on the cartons – expiration date, nutrition information, weight, safe handling instructions, weight, price, etc. Discussion included definition of free range and different weights, and price for eggs.  All of this led up to the fact that the balls for the golf ball drop are numbered and organized in egg cartons between events.  It will soon be time for Rotarians to sell, sell, sell those tickets for the fund raising event.

Announcements:  Despite the rain, Mallet Madness worked again. Thanks to all who took part, especially Donna Schuck and John Stokinger who devote hours to making this happen. We distributed $4050 in awards to twenty-two different non-profits and winners, and raised $11,700 to date. After expenses, the event will have raised around $2500 for the fund the Club uses to support non-profits like Polio Plus, Wheelchair, SSDC, and Shelterbox. Consideration is being given to moving the event into June for 2018.*Host families are being sought for our inbound exchange student from South Korea. Speak with Marv Rudnitsky about this possibility. Mary also reported that our outbound student has received a scholarship from the District to assist with travel costs.**July 25 will be our Gazebo Hotdog Night this summer.***Dave Lawer, Bill Clark and Tom Gates are thanked for putting up the Memorial Day flag display at Rotary Field.

Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: himself (MM Committee and Donna and John, flag display and Dave, Bill and Tom); Mary Peterhaensel (MM committee); Art Bowen (MM and flags); Donna Schuck (flag display and appreciate way to honor father); Carol Handlan (MM, Donna and John); Pat Pinkowski (MM – John and Donna, flag display; scholarship committee); Chad Cohrs (son’s wedding and leaving early); John Fischer (MM, flags, Golf Committee and 9/11 tournament); Mike Flock (show featuring daughter OBX home on HGTV – June 24, 9 p.m.); Bob Fogle (back); Dave Betz (volunteers who made MM work); John Stokinger (volunteers and Donna); Charlie McCuen (5 weeks in France); Konrad Kempfe (flag display); and Earl Ferster (MM, flags and +15).

Future Programs


June 8 – Mark and Jeanne Mantz, owners of Sweet Granny’s Kettle Corn, will be the speakers. Brian Neitz is the host. Dave Lawer is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

June 15 – Host John Fischer has arranged for Jane Taylor to speak about and share photos of her recent trip to Vietnam. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

June 22 – TBA, Tom Gates is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

June 29 – Installation of 2017-18 Officers and Directors. Mary will have opportunity to speak about her year and Toby will share a bit about plans for her year as President. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.


Birthdays:  June 24 – Pat Pinkowski.


Quotation: “May the turbulence of our age yield to a true time of peace, when men and nations shall share a life that honors the dignity of each, the brotherhood of all.”                   

                                         Dwight D. Eisenhower