July 27, 2017

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Make a Difference

Vol. 90, No. 3                               President – Georgiann Toby Skinner                           Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting: August 3, 2017 – Speaker will be Sandra Hopkins, Administrator/Developer of SUN Habitat. Mike Flock is the host. A Board of Directors meeting precedes at 11 a.m. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.


July 27, 2017:  Twenty plus Rotarians and a guest (Cheryl Stumpf’s daughter, Cassidy) were present for the first Club Assembly of the 2017-18 Rotary year. President Toby Skinner presided. The 2017-18 budget was presented by Treasurer John Fischer. Discussion followed (one amendment for a change in the Young Generations line) about level of prizes for Golf Ball Drop – it is stated that lowering amount of prizes would not reduce sales and would increase fund raised. Treasurer John Fischer noted we have 38 members, and that RI and District dues have been raised ($730 per year for dues). A motion to approve was made by Art Bowen, seconded by Tom Gates, to approve budget as amended. Budget is balanced, with income and expenses of $44,984. Motion passed. President Toby has appointed the following members to serve on the Audit Committee: Sarah Maneval, Dave Lawer, and Bill Clark.  Dottie Anderson presented information about and from the 2017 Rotary International Conference held in Atlanta, Georgia, which she attended with President Toby. This was a special conference celebrating the 100th anniversary of the RI Foundation. Several of the projects in the House of Friendship were highlighted, noting President Toby’s special area of interest about human trafficking and slavery. The “board” with flyers and information displayed will be shown at the next several meetings.  All in all, a successful Club Assembly in that members spoke up and shared support and concerns.

Announcements:  July 25th Gazebo Hotdog Night was a decided success, with thanks extended to all who helped, especially to Melissa Laniewski for organizing the volunteers and food for the evening.*John Fischer has brochures for the 9/11 golf tournament and is working on a directory of members. All members are advised to sign in to DACby hosted by the district.**2018 Mallet Madness date is set – June 9 – Save the date.*** Cheryl Stumpf and Dottie Anderson met with Shawn Felty and Heather Chulick to discuss the development of our updated website.

Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: himself (John and Konrad for filling in, and likes “bring a child” to Rotary); Mike Flock (hosting the SSDC campers at the pond); Pat Pinkowski (Melissa for hot dog night, and Toby at the start of her Presidency);  Carol Handlan (just happy); Melissa Laniewski (all who helped make hotdog night a success despite long performance, Art for the hotdogs, Don Rowe for the water); Bill Clark (Melissa for hotdog night, great aunt’s 100th birthday celebration); John Fischer (Golf Stag night win, Rotary Thursday night league, new kitchen); Cheryl Stumpf (college tours with Cassidy, concernt, new found family, hotdog night); Art Bowen (Cassidy, 36 Bowen’s together, hotdog night); Mary Peterhaensel (Scandinavian festival, Melissa); John Stokinger (weekend camping with Diane, Melissa); Toby Skinner (Melissa, lunch with Day Campers, Mike Flock and pond trip for campers); and Earl Ferster (+15, guest, importance of family).

Future Programs:

August 10 – Tracey Bobb, ED of the Middlecreek Community Center will be the speaker, Sarah Maneval is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

August 17 – Steven Turner will describe the PA Alliance Against Trafficking in Humans: Route 15 Project. Steve is with the YMCA of Greater Harrisburg, part of the coalition. This is a presidential area of focus program. Dottie Anderson is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

August 24 –Career Link Lead Business Consultant for the Central Region and Danelle Little, Sunbury Career Link will present the program. Hal Dunkelberger is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

August 31 – TBA, Host is Charlie McCuen. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Birthdays:   August 15 – Earl Ferster, Konrad Kempfe; 29 – Jay Lemons


Quotation: “A man is like a fraction whose numerator is what he is and whose denominator is what he thinks of himself. The larger the denominator, the smaller the fraction.”       Leo Tolstoy