December 8, 2017

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

                                                        Make a Difference

Vol. 90, No. 21                     President – Georgiann Toby Skinner                     Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting: December 14, 2017 – Speaker is Ryan Badorf of Badorf Custom Remodeling LLC. Brian Neitz is the host. Eunseo “Lily” Cho, our exchange student from Korea, will also give a presentation. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.


December 7, 2017: Twenty-eight Rotarians were present as “substitute” speaker and Rotarian, spoke about the activity of Selinsgrove Projects, Inc. which she serves as President. The Board of 8 members would welcome additional volunteers. Dave Lawer was the host. The Economic Revitalization Committee has been reactivated, all are pleased with the White Christmas Decorations, the Brew Fest, Market St. Festival, and the Commons. Currently, SPI is working with local businesses assisting them with façade and sign improvement – all done by volunteers and donations. The rebuilding of the town clock is also in the works. Taking on the Halloween Parade was new this year and as the result of suggestions will have some changes in 2018. There is no question that SPI, as a non-profit entity, has had a major impact on development of Selinsgrove.  A board meeting preceded the regular meeting.


Announcements: Sarah Manaval has decorated a Tree Fest tree using the Emoji theme. Please stop by the Library and vote for the Rotary tree. Toby thanked Sarah for her work on this project.* 2018 Mallet Madness date is set – June 9 – Save the date.*Welcome back John Stokinger. **Golf Ball Drop date is set for Oct. 20, 2018, at noon, with the possibility of lunch being held at the same time. Tickets will be available for sale before the holidays so people can use them as presents and we are able to get to the point of selling all 1000 tickets.***Donations of snacks continue to be needed for students at the REC. Snacks can be delivered between 3-6 p.m. Call Kelly Feiler if you are interested in volunteering at the Center.****Pat Pinkowski circulated a envelope for donations toward purchases for our “Christmas Family” – she will do the shopping for the family.*****Envelop circulated for a Christmas present of Sue.


Sergeant at arms:  Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines (to best of Editor’s ability to hear and keep up): late Happy Birthday to Art Bowen (plus Art happy to be recovering from foot surgery, and picture with Karen modeling); himself (close of football seasons); Mike Flock (Flock family Christmas this weekend); Tom Gates (remembering Pearl Harbor); John Fischer (Life Long Learning and hearing a piano); Dan Mahoney (son soon home from Germany); Dave Lawer (Marv’s picture in paper, upcoming shoulder surgery, granddaughters field hockey all state); Toby Skinner (assisting cow with breach birth successfully); Cheryl Stumpf (choral concert, TX Road House fundraisier); Carol Handlan (back, Tree Fest and Sarah, Four friends trip to NYC); Mike Piecuch (Coalition for kids conference); Sarah Manaval (GA and Disney trip); Donna Schuck (late, Evan articles, great November); Pat Pinkowski (decorations up, needy family donations); Brian Neitz (back); Chad Cohrs (son’s hunting success, concert); and Earl Ferster (season, +15).



Future Program

Dec. 21 – Holiday Party and sing along with Don Messimer. Guests and partners welcome. Signup sheet circulating. Art Bowen is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Dec. 28 – No Meeting in recognition of Christmas and New Year’s.

Jan. 4 – TBA, Michael Damiano is the host. Board Meeting precedes at 11 a.m. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.

Jan. 11 – Joyce Hendricks will speak about the Valley Players community theater group. Melissa Laniewski is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Birthdays:  Dec. 10 – Marv Rudnitsky; 30 – Dottie Anderson.

Quotation: “You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right.”

                                            Rosa Parks