December 14, 2017

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

                                                    Make a Difference

Vol. 90, No. 22                  President – Georgiann Toby Skinner                     Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting: December 21, 2017 – Holiday Party with Don Messimer playing the piano for our sing along. Guests and Partners welcome – this is a served meal, so signup is essential. Get in touch with Art Bowen immediately if you missed signing up. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.


December 14, 2017: Sixteen Rotarians and guests (Raven Rudnitsky) were present and heard two presentations. Eunseo “Lily” Cho, our Korean exchange student shared information about South Korea and her family, complete with dressing in native costume that would be worn on special occasions. Lily will be moving to her second host family, the Manavel’s, in January. Our second speaker was Ryan Badorf of Badorf Custom Remodeling LLC. He spoke about his year old business and his expectations of himself for quality work. With 10 plus years’ experience and certifications in all aspects of contracting and construction, he will work on everything from building a new house (he built his own) to doing bathroom and/or kitchen remodeling.  Marv Rudnitsky was the host for Lily, and Brian Neitz was the host for Ryan.


Announcements: Sarah Manaval has decorated a Tree Fest tree using the Emoji theme. Please stop by the Library and vote for the Rotary tree. * 2018 Mallet Madness date is set – June 9 – Save the date.*Welcome back John Stokinger. **Golf Ball Drop date is set for Oct. 20, 2018, at noon, with the possibility of lunch being held at the same time. Tickets are available for sale before the holidays so people can use them as presents and we are able to get to the point of selling all 1000 tickets.***Donations of snacks continue to be needed for students at the REC. Snacks can be delivered between 3-6 p.m. Call Kelly Feiler if you are interested in volunteering at the Center.****Pat Pinkowski shared information about her purchases for the “Christmas Family”*****Envelop circulated for a Christmas present of Sue.*****Art Bowen requests nominations be submitted for 2017-18 Distinguished Service Award beginning now.


Sergeant at arms:  Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines (to best of Editor’s ability to hear and keep up): himself (Happy Birthday, Raven serving as Lily’s counselor); John Fischer (Sarah saying yes to becoming treasurer, Lily); Art Bowen (late, tickets for John Stokinger, Lily); Brian Neitz (speakers); Ryan Badorf (4 year olds reaction to today’s snow); John Stokinger (Lily and Raven); Carol Handlan (speakers, toe relief and advise); Hal Dunkelberger (guests, speakers, tree fest); Ken Miller (help for Little League); and Toby Skinner (Coalition for Kids Conference and Mike Piecuch).


Future Program

Dec. 28 – No Meeting in recognition of Christmas and New Year’s.

Jan. 4 – TBA, Michael Damiano is the host. Board Meeting precedes at 11 a.m. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.

Jan. 11 – Joyce Hendricks will speak about the Valley Players community theater group. Melissa Laniewski is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Jan. 18 – TBA, Art Bowen is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Jan. 25 – Urban Rural Night Dinner, Sarah Manavel/Earl Ferster is the host. Details later.

Birthdays:  Dec. 30 – Dottie Anderson. Jan. 17 – Wes Knapp; 14 – Mike Flock.

Quotation: “Many persons might have attained to wisdom had they not assumed that they already possessed it.”       Seneca