Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Make a Difference
Vol. 90, No. 30 President Georgiann Toby Skinner Editor Mike Floc Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: February 22, 2018 Marsha Lemons and Raven Rudnitsky will talk about their work in the Snyder County Prison. Club Assembly at 11:45 AM
February 15, 2018: 22 Rotarians enjoyed listening to Jim Campbell talk about Selinsgrove. Campbell came to Selinsgrove in 1947 when his family relocated from New Jersey. He has become a well known expert on the history of selinsgrove. George Gabriel was the first citizen in the area in the 1730’s when he established a general store and trading post where the current boat launch on the Isle of Que is today. The valley was originally settled by the Susquehannock and Delaware Indians. Over the years canals became very important to the area commerce until the early 1900’s when the railroads replaced them as the most efficient means of moving goods and people. Anthony Selin, Conrad Weiser and Simon Snyder were important people in the development and growth of Selinsgrove. Snyder was a three term Senator as well as Governor of Pennsylvania. Fires in 1871 and 1874 were devastating to the downtown and surrounding area. Susquehanna University was an important addition to the community and Weis Markets had their first store in Selinsgrove. The Selinsgrove Race Track, know for decades as the fastest track in the East was first opened in 1946.
Announcements: Jared Roush will be returning to Rotary at the end of March. Our exchange student will be attending a conference in the months ahead. Art Bowen encouraged early sales for the Golf Ball Drop. a “Save the Date” mailer went out this week for this Spring’s Mallet Madness.
Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky (Rotary Speech Contest and volunteers and PSU Big Ten wresting match), Konrad Kempfe (Olympics), Tom Gates (trip to Indiana & Bucknell basketball win), John Fischer (goal by granddaughter, Deitmar Plajer doing ashes on Market Street & trip to Atlanta), Dave Lawer (speaker, granddaughter recruited by Bucknell & Bill Clark), Bob Fogle ( happy to be alive), Bill Clark (Jean home and physical therapists work and general thank you to all), Pat Pinkowski (speaker), Malcom Derk (speaker), Toby Skinner (speaker & speech contest volunteers), Art Bowe (trip with Karen, speaker, visiting friends & 47th wedding Anniversary), Earl Ferster (weekly goal and just happy).
Future Programs:
Feb. 22 Marsha Lemons and Raven Rudnitsky will talk about their work with the women in the Snyder County Prison. Jay Lemons is the long distance host. Club Assembly. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
March 1 TBA, Donna Schuck is the host. A board meeting precedes at 11a.m. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
March 8 Club Assembly. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
March 15 Dr. Ralph J. Blessing, Managing Partner, Marine Technology Solutions. Carol Handlan is the host. Substitute Editor needed. SVCC,11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: March 15 May Peterhaensel; 24 Dave Lawer; 26 Bill Clark; 31 Ken Miller.
Quotation: ³You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. –Dr. Suess