March 5, 2018

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Make a Difference

Vol. 90, No. 33              President – Georgiann Toby Skinner                 Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting: March 8, 2018 – Club Assembly, with presentation about slow bike race at Mallet Madness, and discussion of bylaws revisions. E-mail attachment of the by-laws will be sent to those who receive newsletter via e-mail. Toby Skinner presides. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.


March 1, 2018: Twenty-six Rotarians were present for an information session and a “tour” of Evangelical Hospital’s new Mobile Medical Unit, by Coordinator, Jamie Caputo. Dottie Anderson and Mike Flock filled in as hosts since Donna Schuck was ill. Jamie, who had been in charge of the Williamsport Food Bank previously, is not only coordinating the units schedule, she is its driver. Fully equipped to provide the same care one would receive at a doctor’s office, this is designed to reduce barriers to Health Care, such as distance and transportation and the cost of care. At a cost of $365,000, fully funded with donor dollars, the unit is providing services in 8 counties and for 2018 is emphasizing primary care, women’s health, and cardiac care. Care for the Plains Community as well as anyone else, cooperative partnerships are being sought so that dental care can also be provided for children. Jamie’s enthusiasm and way of presenting this program invited questions and members enjoyed the opportunity to tour the unit.  One of only two units in the state, it is expected that this kind of service will grow in the future. A board meeting preceded at which officers and directors approved the bylaws revisions that will be presented to the members next week.


Announcements: *2018 Mallet Madness date is set – June 9 – Save the date. Work continues to obtain sponsorships so the $2500 challenge grant from an anonymous donor is met. Meeting with non-profits at the REC is scheduled for 6:30 March 27. Members are invited both to share this information with non-profits they work with to increase the number who participate in Mallet Madness.**Golf Ball Drop date is set for Oct. 20, 2018 at noon, with possibility of lunch being held at the same time. Turn receipts and ticket stubs into John Stokinger.***Donations of snacks continue to be needed for students at the REC. Snacks can be delivered between 3-6 p.m. Call Kelly Feiler if you are interested in volunteering at the Center.****District Conference is in Hershey 5/4-6 – perhaps car pool to the event?*****4 Way Test Speech Contest winners are 3rd place, Leah Hepner; second place, Maegan Bogetti; and first place, Arin Lohr.******History Harvest at Selinsgrove library 3/3.


Sergeant at arms:  John Stokinger collected happy fines as follows (to the best of the editors ability to follow): late Happy Birthday to Dan Mahoney who’s 12/23 Birthday is always missed); Carol Handlan (Carlyle Junior Achievement participation and meeting lots of other Rotarians, may need a Plan B for Market St. Festival’s 40th year because of repairs on Market Street); Konrad Kempfe, Mike Flock, Bill Clark, Bob Fogle (speaker); Cheryl Stumpf (leaving early, daughter’s indoor tournament); Dave Betz (son’s BB game); Chad Cohrs (Boy’s BB game Friday, cooperation with local public safety folks, possibility of hiring School Resource Officer for the schools); Art Bowen (speaker, grandkids dinner); Brian Nietz (back); John Fischer (water projects and Konrad’s work to make sure we join in this project); Hal Dunkelberger (speaker and Hal back); Ken Miller (successful wrestling team); Toby Skinner (Cheryl stepping up at meeting, and tending twin bay sheep); Hal Dunkelberger (thank you Evan and all the hospitals working together); and Earl Ferster  (+15, speaker).


Future Programs:

March 15 – Dr. Ralph J. Blessing, Managing Partner, Marine Technology Solutions. Carol Handlan is the host. Substitute Editor needed. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

March 22 – Todd Troxell, Exec. VP and COO of Northumberland National Bank will speak about the bank’s history and growth. John Stokinger is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

March 29 – TBA, Doug Wilburn is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Birthdays:  March 15 – Mary Peterhaensel; 24 – Dave Lawer; 26 – Bill Clark; 31 – Ken Miller.

Quotation: “There are many ways to serve.”    Caroline Kennedy