May 17, 2018

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Make a Difference

Vol. 90, No. 44
President – Georgiann Toby Skinner                           Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting: May 24, 2018 – Jared Roush is the host and presenter on the topic: What does a Bank Trust Division Do? SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

May 17, 2018: Twenty-six Rotarians and guests were present as Dave Lawer introduced the Club’s and SACF’s 2018 scholarship winners. Dave shared a bit of Club history with the scholarships recipients and they were invited to stay in touch with the Club. Scholarship selection committee included Carol Handlan, Pat Pinkowski, Kay Lantz and Dave, who serves as chair for the Foundation. This was the first year working with the on line application. Dave thanked guidance counselor Chris Lupolt for his assistance with the process, and for arranging the “tech” appearance of recipient Patrick O’Malley, who was unable to be present since he had an AP test. Amber Ulrich, who especially enjoyed and appreciated her high school marching band experiences playing the drums, has already completed 24 college credits at Bloomsburg, where she will go in the fall to complete a degree in psychology. She hopes to complete college in three years and then go on to earn an MA degree, leading to a career as a child psychologist. Connor VanZijl’s special interest has been sports, and he looks forward to participating in the Lacrosse District Championship in Danville this weekend. He will continue his education at Susquehanna in Computer Science, and hopes to develop apps. He grew up playing little league and appreciates the Rotary Field.  Patrick O’Malley is an Eagle Scout and has participated in track and cross country. He has especially enjoyed participating in endeavors such as the Seals Store.  He will attend Georgia Tech to study electrical engineering and hopes for a career working with sustainable energy and automobile manufacturing.

Announcements: Remember to sign-up for your part in the Mallet Madness fund raiser – especially think about be a referee. Pat Pinkowski circulated a call for baked goods for breakfast and coolers. Please keep working on identifying players and teams and sponsors.

Golf Ball Drop date is set for Oct. 20, 2018 at noon, with possibility of lunch being held at the same time. Turn receipts and ticket stubs into John Stokinger.

Donations of snacks continue to be needed for students at the REC. Snacks can be delivered between 3-6 p.m. Call Kelly Feiler if you are interested in volunteering at the Center.

The Club will have lunch at the Intermediate School with the Summer SEALS Day Campers on July 19.

Incoming Board of Directors will have a planning meeting on June 6 at Cheryl Stumpf’s home. Cassidy Stumpf will be attending RYLA.

Sergeant at Arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows (to the best of the editor’s ability to keep up): himself (choral concert, scholarship recipients); Art Bowen (leaving early); Dad Mahoney (John Stokinger’s one more day at work); John Stokinger (retirement in one more day); John Fischer (Joe Herb will be painting the floors in the bathrooms at the field at no charge to the Club except for the cost of the paint; Brazil trip); Wes Knapp (Wanda’s health improvements); Chad Cohrs (Dr. Knapp, Marv and pic in paper, scholarship recipients, tornado warning, sports teams); Pat Pinkowski (John, students, whole family together for weekend); Bob Fogle (here today); Dave Lawer (back, Chris Lupolt, scholarship committee and winners); Toby Skinner (contracts to John, Pops concerts); Ken Miller (trip to and from Canada with exchange students); Cheryl Stumpf (SU graduation and Greece trip); Mike Piecuch (late and students); Konrad Kempfe (students); and Earl Ferster (+15, and students).

Future Programs:

May 31 – Linda Steele from DH&L Ambulance will speak about the Yellow Dot program, Pat Pinkowski is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

June 7 – TBA, John Reed is the host. Board Meeting precedes. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

June 14 – TBA, Art Bowen is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

June 21 – Visiting Cuba, presented by the Rudnitsky’s, et al. about their recent trip. SVCC, 11:45 a.m

Birthdays: June 24 – Pat Pinkowski

Quotation: “A true man hates no one.”   Napoleon Bonaparte