August 16, 2018

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Be the Inspiration

Vol. 91, No. 6        President – Cheryl Stumpf     Editor – Dottie Anderson


Next Meeting: August 23, 2018 – Johnny Hoffman and Steve Pope will speak about the past, present and future of the Susquehanna Valley Country Club. Charlie McCuen is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m. 


August 16, 2018:  Twenty-seven Rotarians were present to hear from speaker Dr. Jennifer Rager-Kay, and to meet her husband Peter Kay who is a Public Defender for Snyder County. They have a five year old son who will be starting kindergarten in a few days. Jennifer is an ENT specialist at Sunbury Hospital and now a candidate for state representative for the 85th district. It was informative to hear of her desire to serve the common good, with speail interest in ways to increase regular revenues for the state while improving K-12 education, Health Care, and raising the minimum wage.  Hal Dunkelberger was the host. For anyone with additional questions about Jen and her positions, she will be at the home of the Rudnitsky’s this Sunday afternoon

Marv Rudnitsky introduced our new exchange student from France, Antonin Gaitfait. He introduced himself to the club members.


Announcements:   Golf Ball Drop date is set for Oct. 20, 2018 at noon. Turn receipts and ticket stubs into Art Bowen or John Stokinger. If you need other ways to sell your 20 tickets, you could do so at the end of the Golf Tournament on the 10th or at the Market St. Festival table on the 22nd of Sept.*Volunteer sheet for the 26th annual Golf Tournament, 9/10, was circulated by John Fischers.**Dan Mahoney is chairing efforts for our participation in 9/22 Market St. Festival and a meeting was held to discuss prior to our regular meeting today.***President Stumpf is interested in identifying a member who is interested in providing information about the Club for the District Newsletter and to coordinate our marketing efforts.****One Rotary Summit is taking place on 10.20 and Cheryl is planning to go and looking for a member who would like to go with her to this even.****Mike Piecuch reported on behalf of the Coalition for Kids about retired NBA athlete’s struggle with addiction and rebound into recovery. He will be giving a public talk at Grace Covenant Community Church in Middleburg on 9/5 from 7 to 8 p.m.*****Earl Ferster reported that Bob Fogle is moving today to a facility at Riverwood in Lewisburg and his family will be submitting a resignation letter.


International Moment: Konrad Kempfe shared information about a significant water project occurring in Lebanon where the Rotary District is challenging all of the Rotary Clubs in Lebanon to provide tanks and potable water fountains in all of the 1500 public schools.  They have already done this in 200 schools and are looking at this project of clean water for children as a way to heal many of the divisions that exist in that country.


Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: Happy Birthday to Earl Ferster and Konrad Kempfe; himself (upcoming trip); Mike Flock (celebrating 91st birthdays); Art Bowen (brother’s visit); Chad Cohrs (teachers report Monday, students come Wed, status of various projects); Pat Pinkowski (back and speaker); Marty (enjoyed family visit); Carol Handlan (music tonight at the commons, Antonin); Jen Rager (being here, child going to kindergarten); Hal Dunkelberger (all who give to the foundations, guests);          ; and Earl Ferster (+15 and speaker).


Future Programs:

August 30 – Cassidy Stumpf will share her experience attending RYLA and goal of starting an Interact Club at the High School, Wes Knapp is the host. 11:45 a.m., SVCC

Sept. 6 – Official Visit by District Governor Dan Bennett. A board meeting precedes at 10:30 a.m. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.  All are urged to be in attendance for the DG’s visit to the Club.

Sept. 13 – TBA, Art Bowen is the host.  SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Sept. 20 – TBA, John Reed is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.


Birthdays: August 29 – Jay Lemons. Sept. 3 – Tom Gates; 5 – John Fischer; 6 – Melissa Laniewski; 24 – Don Summers, Jr.

Quotation: “Every day stop before something beautiful long enough to say – Isn’t that b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l!.”   – Alize Freeman Palmer