September 27, 2018

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Be the Inspiration

Vol. 91, No. 12          President – Cheryl Stumpf       Editor – Dottie Anderson


Next Meeting: October 4, 2018 – Speaker is Dr. Denise Potts, Clinical Psychologist and Research. Topic Treating PTSD and Sex Assault Trauma. Toby Skinner is the host for this special program. SVCC, 11:45 a.m. A Board Meeting precedes – nominating committee will be appointed.


Sept. 27, 2018: Nineteen Rotarians were present as President Cheryl conducted a session that allowed members to reflect on why they joined Rotary, why they stay with Rotary, goals and accountability. The information we provided will assist the President in developing long term plans and responding to questions from the District.

Unfortunately Susanna Falck was unable to attend today and hopefully host Konrad Kempfe will be able to reschedule her presentation about RI water projects.

Don Summers announced that the Dictionary Distribution to third graders is scheduled for Friday, Oct. 5 at 12:30 at the Intermediate School – if you are able to be present and to help at the event it is always an enjoyable one.

Marty Blessing spoke about donations of snacks to the REC for the students who attend the after school program – if you don’t have time to shop for fruits and snacks, she is pleased to do that shopping for you.


Announcements:  Golf Ball Drop will occur Oct. 20, 2018 at noon. Turn receipts and ticket stubs into John Stokinger. There is still time to sell – sell – sell.*John Fischer reported on the rescheduled 26th annual Golf Tournament, which raised about $22,000 and it is respected that approximately $15,000 for philanthropic work.**Dan Mahoney – thank you for stepping up and chairing efforts for our participation in 9/22 Market St. Festival. It was very successful with much participation by the members.***President Cheryl is looking for someone to step up to provide information for the District Newsletter and to coordinate our marketing efforts.


RI Moment: Ken Miller shared his pride in being a Rotarian when he read about the work and success of the Polio Plus program in the current Rotarian Magazine. He urges all to pay attention to this issue.


Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: Happy Birthday to Don Summers; himself (Penn State victory); John Fischer (Charlie McCuen for giving back his share of 50/50 and all who helped at the Golf Tournament, off to FL); Tom Gates (Dan Mahoney and John Fischer for great work); Fred Keller (good day, John and Dan); Melissa Laniewski (better weather, skit and Marv on Utube); Sarah Maneval (John and Golf, Dan and Street Fair, Disney trip); Dan Mahoney (everyone’s good help); Toby Skinner (John and Dan, next week’s speaker); Mary Peterhaensel (Ken, John, Dan); Charlie McCuen (Friends of the Library appreciate chance to do Putting Contest and Don Summers turning back his winnings); Wes Knapp (thanks to all); Ken Miller (as above and pride in being a Rotarian); and Hal Dunkelberger (Dan and Earl’s +15).


Future Programs:

Oct. 11 – TBA, Don Summers is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Oct. 18 – TBA, Tom Gates is the host.  SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Oct. 25– Jane Taylor will present “The Many Faces of Africa.” John Fischer is the host. 11:45 a.m., SVCC

Nov. 1 – TBA – Dan Mahoney is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m. Board Meeting precedes, First Reading of Nominations Slate.


Birthdays: October 4 – Chad Cohrs, Sarah Maneval; 21 – John Reed.


Quotation: “Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility to evaporate.”     Albert Schweitzer