October 18, 2018

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Be the Inspiration

Vol. 91, No. 14     President – Cheryl Stumpf  Editor – Dottie Anderson


Next Meeting: October 25, 2018 – Jane Taylor will present “The Many Faces of Africa,” a presentation based on her recent travels. John Fischer is the host. Guests welcome. SVCC, 11:45 a.m. 


Oct. 18, 2018:  With President Elect Carol presiding, twenty-two Rotarians were present to hear Kendra Aucker, President and CEO of the Evangelical Community Hospital, describe recent developments at the hospital. Tom Gaay HHapptes was the host. Explaining the current status of medical consolidations occurring in Pennsylvania, of 156 hospitals in the state, only 27 are independent. Having a payer strategy (either your own health plan or in relationship with an insurer) is essential to the thriving of hospitals. UPMC, Geisinger, and Highmark/Hershey Penn State Health have all “locked down a payer strategy” and are claiming increasing share of the medical care in Pennsylvania. Since Evangelical is operating from a position of strength, their board engaged in a strategic planning process that led to the cooperative agreement between Evan and Geisinger which will provide both a payer strategy and a consolidated computer records program. The Editor believe this area is most fortunate to have someone of Kendra’s knowledge and abilities at the helm of Evangelical Community Hospital.


Announcements: URGENT: Golf Ball Drop is this Sat., Oct. 20, 2018 at noon. IF YOU HAVE NOT DONE SO, Turn receipts and tickets stubs into John Stokinger. ALSO, MEET AT ART BOWEN’S AT 4 tomorrow to pull golf balls for the drop.*The Nominations Committee for 2019-20 Officers and Directors is Toby Skinner, Mary Peterhaensel and Mike Piecuch.***The Halloween parade was reportedly a great success.****Bill and Jean Clark are moving to Buffalo Valley shortly.


RI Moment: Konrad Kempfe shared information about a major sanitation Global Grant project that has installed toilets, hand washing, and education to rural Philippine villages.  


Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: himself (say happy birthday to John Reed); Dave Lawer (Art and John for GPD work, Kendra); Donna Schuck (same, Kendra, June 8 confirmed for 4th annual Mallet Madness); Pat Pinkowski (John, Art, Kendra); Marty Blessing (back and speaker); Tom Gates (speaker); Hal Dunkelberger (PP Kendra, Rose Bowl float); Carol Handlan (26th anniversary and Jim’s birthday and banjo camp); Mary Peterhaensel (Kendra, back, grand’s birthday); Konrad Kempfe (Kendra); ditto Sarah and Dan Mahoney); John Stokinger (Kendra, Red Sox, Donna’s extra); Chad Cohrs (Kendra, fall sports and playoffs); Arts Bowen (Kendra, John S. and ticket sales, grands); and Kendra Aucker (happy to be here).


Future Programs:


Nov. 1 – Bob Garrett of The Greater Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce will be the speaker.  Dan Mahoney is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m. Board Meeting precedes, First Reading of Nominations Slate.

Nov. 8 – Susanna Falck will speak about RI Water Projects – Konrad Kempfe is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m. Second Reading of the Nominations Slate.

Nov. 15 – Annual Meeting and Election of Officers and Directors for 2019-20, Club Assembly. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Nov. 22 – Happy Thanksgiving Day – no Rotary Meeting


Birthdays: November 6 – Donna Schuck; 9 – Marty Blessing; 15 – Art Bowen


Quotation: “I read, I study, I examine, I listen, I reflect, and out of all this I try to form an idea into which I put as much common sense as I can.”   Marquis de Lafayette