Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Be the Inspiration
Vol. 91, No. 37 President – Cheryl Stumpf Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: April 25, 2019 – Pam Ross, Director of the Snyder County Library, will speak about her family trip to Antarctica. Malcolm Derk is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
April 18, 2019: Thirty-one Rotarians and guests (Gary Gonzer, John Fischer’s guest; Anna Wiest, 4 way speech contest winner and her coach, Ms. Boyer) were present to hear Jon Beam, Assistant Director and naturalist, from the Montour Area Recreation Commission. Dave Betz was the host. Formerly the MARC was run by PPL, but now it is run by this non-profit organization. Jon’s presentation about owls was very informative and enjoyable – complete with hearing the sounds made by the Great Horned Owl, the Screech Owl, Bared Owl and Barn Owl. Seven variety of owls can be found in PA, some of which are migratory – like the Snowy Owl. These nocturnal birds are carnivores, and have a variety of coloration and can hear in three directions, which assists them in their hunting. Marv Rudnitsky introduced Anna, who in turn introduced her coach, and he presented her winning 4 Way Test speech about body image and the need to change perceptions of appearance as counting more highly then character and accomplishment.
Announcements: Next Planning meeting for Mallet Madness is Tuesday, May 7 at 6:30 at Melissa Laniewski’s home. Do join us if you’re interested in serving on the committee for 2019’s Mallet Madness. URGENT – All members are asked to be a sponsor, or obtain a sponsor or make a donation. Please continue to share with any non-profits (including your church, or boards you serve on) about the event and work to turn up sponsors and members for the two person teams. This year the event is scheduled for June 8. *Remember to bring in batteries to fill the “Big Green Box” which enables recycling of non-rechargeable batteries. Please bring in batteries to be recycled in the plastic bags provided and place in the box that will be available at every meeting. When box is full, it will be returned to the company and recycled. If this is successful, the Board will determine if the project continues.**4/27 is the date st to work at Rotary field with a group of student volunteers to continue to spruce things up.
Sergeant at Arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines, (to the best of the editor’s ability to keep up) from himself (Anna); Toby Skinner (granddaughter playing flute at states); Marty Blessing (speakers); Pat PInkowski (same); Donna Schuck (Marv for the 4 Way Test participation, the MM Committee, and Anna); Wes Knapp (Anna, birth of first great grandchild); Art Bowen (back and gone again); Dave Lawer (guests, back, Pat P as drill sergeant at the field, AZ trip); John Fischer (his guest and speakers); Mike Flock (Anna best speech); Sarah Maneval (guests and speakers); and Earl Ferster (speakers, guests and +15).
Future Programs:
May 2 – TBA, Ken Wagner is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
May 9 – Club Assembly, with presentation by Donna Schuck and John Stokinger about Mallet Madness. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
May 16 – 2019 Scholarship recipients will be introduced by host Dave Lawer and they will have the opportunity to speak about their plans for the future. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
May 23 – TBA. Ken Miller is the host. SVCC. 11:45a.m.
May 30 – Stephane Burke, Director of By Grace Women’s Shelter. Pat Pinkowski is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: May 12 – Malcolm Derk; 15 – John Stokinger; 20 – Doug Wilburn.
Quotation: “From the time the first skunk cabbage pushes its way through the snows of spring……until snow comes again and covers the last dandelion of fall……the glory of flowers is everywhere wondrous in its loveliness and its diversity……” from A Place on Earth by Gwen Frostic 1970