May 23, 2019

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Be the Inspiration
Vol. 91, No. 42 President – Cheryl Stumpf Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting: May 30, 2019 – Speaker is Stephanie Burke, Director of the By Grace Women’s Shelter. Pat Pinkowski is the host. New Member Induction part 2. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

May 23, 2019: Twenty-five Rotarians and guests (Jon Anzur, newly elect Congressman Fred Keller’s Chief of Staff, was introduced by Fred) were present to hear speaker Lee Knepp, a current Snyder County Commissioner, who served as Chief Clerk for the county for 40 years before being appointed to complete Malcolm Derk’s term as Commissioner. Ken Miller was the host. Lee graduated by Penn State as a history major, and in the summer of ‘73 served Senetar Bud Schuster, Sr. as an intern in Washington, DC. This was the summer of Watergate hearings. After graduation he began a job with Snyder County in 1976, and is a whole hearted prime mover behind much of what has been accomplished by the Historical Society. Lee regaled us with several amusing stories about his time with County Government. Kristine Horten, with the assistance of her sponsor, Melissa Laniewski was installed as a member of Rotary. Many mentions were made about the community response to help the former employees of Wood-Mode.

Announcements: Remember to bring in batteries to fill the “Big Green Box” which enables recycling of non-rechargeable batteries. Please bring in batteries to be recycled in the plastic bags provided and place in the box that will be available at every meeting.* Dave Lawer, Dan Mahoney and Tom Gates were thanked for their work in setting up the flag display at Rotary Field for Memorial Day. **July 30 is Hot Dog night at the Gazebo – Melissa is asking for donation of hot dogs and buns and will be needing volunteers to sign up as we get closer to the date.***KEEP WORKING ON SPONSORSHIPS AND TEAMS FOR MALLET MADNESS – DATE IS APPROACHING RAPIDLY. Age for team participants has been lowered to 13.)****District Conference report included acknowledgement of the third place finish of our 4 Way Test speech contentment, Antonin’s role at the conference, and information from the conference about our Shelter Box participation and about human trafficking shared by Konrad Kempfe

Sergeant at Arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines, (to the best of the editor’s ability to keep up) from himself (speaker and public service years, Fred Keller’s election, Kristine joining, and flag display); John Fischer (ditto); Dave Lawer (Dan and Tom, Jeff Buckley and Dave Bowersox for help with display); Tom Gates (Yankees, activity at field, congratulations to Fred); Mike Flock (mini vacation in Wellsboro); Wes Knapp (ditto Marv); Art Bowen (Fred and Kristine); Donna Schuck (wonderful to live in area where response to Wood-Mode closing has been so supportive of workers); Melissa Laniewski (echo plus Kristine, Ken Miller putting up MM sign); Marty Blessing (Lee and all his support of history and knowledge of area, good wishes Congressman Keller); Ken Miller (speaker, Fred, display); Cheryl (flags, Fred, new Rotarian); Carol Handlan, guests, Fred, progress for sister, husband and brother in law); Toby Skinner (speaker, Historical Society, field); Sarah Maneval (ditto); Konrad Kempfe (speaker); and Fred Keller (speaker, Rotary Field display, good people in all of the 12th congressional district).

Future Programs:
June 6 – TBA, Hal Dunkelberger is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m., Board meeting precedes at 11 a.m.
June 13 – Speaker is John Troxell, The Art and Design of WoodMode, Charlie McCuen is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
June 20 – TBA, Jared Roush is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
June 27 – Installation of 2019-20 Officers and Directors. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Birthdays: June 24 – Pat Pinkowski.

Quotation: “Listening is where love begins: listening to ourselves and then to our neighbors.” – Fred Rogers