Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Be the Inspiration
Vol. 91, No. 44 President – Cheryl Stumpf Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting – June 13, 2019 – Speaker is John Troxell, speaking about The Art and Design of Wood-Mode, Charlie McCuen is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
June 6, 2019 – Twenty-three Rotarians were present as David Sebastian, District Manager of Ehrlich, spoke about seasonal pests and the control of such pests as termites (here the have colonies in the ground and, once in the wood of your house, they eat the wood); carpenter ants and carpenter bees (who leave saw dust like piles); ticks, bed bugs, ants, and others. This was an interesting presentation and emphasized the more environmentally friendly ways (like bait) that pests are now controlled as compared to the days of spraying multiple pesticides. Founded in 1928 as a local company, in 2006, they became a division of Rentokill Steritech Company and now has a world- wide presence. Hal Dunkelberger was the host. Both a regular board meeting and a meeting for 19-20 Officers and directors occurred earlier. A draft of the 2019-20 calendar will be sent with the newsletter and members are asked to peruse the calendar and let Art Bowen know asap if you know now that a date you are assigned as host won’t work. We want to have the calendar confirmed in time to get it printed and ready for distribution by June 27. If you are responsible for budget items, please get in touch with Sarah Maneval and make your requests now for 2019-20.
Announcements: Friday and Saturday are big days for members of the Club – remember what you volunteered to do and show up to do it. If you have not volunteered, show up anyway and help make this event another successful one. We have raised over $11,000 from sponsors, and have a record number of teams (39) playing. We could use one more referee for Saturday morning. Come to Rotary field tomorrow at 5 for training if you are able to help in this way.*The flag display will go up again for Veterans Day, do be in touch with Dave Lawer if you have additional veterans you would want to honor in this way.**Antonin’s family is here now and they will depart on Sunday. Many thanks to Cheryl Stumpf and her family for taking so much responsibility in hosting our exchange student.
Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows (with apologies from the editor who simply didn’t hear what every one said): himself (2 by 4 on the road 1/tire 0, Cheryl and her family); Dave Lawer (speaker, Greatest Generation/D Day remembrance, MM crew); Art Bowen (buttons next week for Kristine, Gary, and Gerald); Donna Schuck (croquet crew, special D Day story shared); Pat Pinkowki (speaker and MM Crew); Melissa Laniewski (same); Marty Blessing (same); Hal Dunkelberger (speaker and Larry the cat); Malcolm Derk (messy church, son’s first school teacher); John Fischer (Sarah and Donna for MM, new members); Mike Flock; Charlie McCuen (back, can play golf); Cheryl Stumpf (MM, daughter’s graduation and Camp Mount Luther); Carol Handlan (MM, Concert on the Commons tonight, Malcolm new SPI President); and Earl Ferster (D Day remembrance, speaker, and +15, ).
Future Programs: June 20 – Speaker is John Deppen, American History and Civil War Historian. Jared Roush is the host, SVCC, 11:45 a.m. June 27 – Installation of 2019-20 Officers and Directors. Cheryl Stumpf will have the opportunity to reflect on her year as President, and incoming President Carol Handlan will share a bit about her plans for the 2019-20 year.
July 4 – No Meeting – Happy Fourth of July.
July 11 – TBA – Don Summers is the host., SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: June 24 – Pat Pinkowski. July 19 – Hal Dunkelberger, Jared Roush.
Quotation: “The noblest service comes from nameless hands. And the best servant does his work unseen.” Oliver Wendell Holmes