July 25, 2019

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Connects the World
Vol. 92, No. 3 President – Carol Handlan Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting – August 1, 2019 – Classification talk by new members Gerald Stauffer. Board Meeting precedes at 11 a.m. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

July 25, 2019 – Twenty Rotarians were present for the first Club Assembly of the new Rotary year. President Carol presided and passed out an agenda, the proposed budget, and the 2019-2020 Calendar (which has also been sent to members by e-mail). The budged was approved following questions and discussion about items such as Rotary Field snow removal expenses (Marv is meeting with the appropriate committee of the school board to see if they would help with this item; also Selinsgrove Rec committee will be discussing the possibility of Rotary purchasing a snow blower and hiring someone or looking for volunteers to do snow removal. It is noted that the Audit Committee (John Fischer, John Stokinger, Mike Piecuch – Sarah will coordinate identifying a time to meet for this two-year audit. Dan Mahoney is coordinating Market Street Festival participation, with strawberries again, and bee control. Art Bowen has the tickets for the golf ball drop and he and John Stokinger will plan distribution for sale of tickets, at places such as the Saturday Market at the Commons. Carol is working on a Rack Card or brochure about the club’s activities, the new member recruitment goal for the year is 4, Don Summers and Carol are working on updating the website. Discussion also occurred about the development of a Community Rotaract Club. Marty Blessing highly recommends this month’s book – Range. Discussion is occurring between the Golf Tournament Committee and the SACF re defining the relationship between the two and “ownership” of the tournament. All should stop by to see the sign at Everybody’s Park.

Announcements: Remember to show up for Hotdog Night at the Gazebo on Tuesday, July 30. In the event of rain it will be held at the REC. *Golf Committee continues to look for teams and sponsors for 9/9 event.**Inbound exchange student Tomas is expected August 16. Marv circulated “allowance” sheet and it is completely filled now.

Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: Happy Birthday Hal Dunkelberger (and we missed you Jared); himself (Melissa for organizing hotdog night); Melissa Laniewski (all who volunteer for the event, family vacation at Deep Creek Lake, Kristine for covering); Kristine Horton (Melissa back); Don Stokinger (visit at Flight 93 memorial and Falling Waters); Pat Pinkowski (Melissa for stepping up); Mike Flock (Everybody’s Playground, and grands at Kid’s College); Art Bowen (large family reunion at camp); Dave Lawer (granddad duty); Gary Gonsar (all who volunteer, beach vacation); Mary Peterhaensel (perfect EKG report); Ken Miller (Skagway, Alaska, potential new member); Cheryl Stumpf (Brew Fest, Carol’s work and all the volunteer’s); Carol Handlan (Brew Fest over, 67 volunteers, Melissa, SSDCampers); and Earl Ferster (+15 and back).

Future Programs:
Aug. 8 – Peggy Reinhard speaking on Medicare Basic. Konrad Kempfe is the host. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.
Aug. 15 – Michele Hock, Director of Agapeland Preschool is the speaker. Ken Miller is the host. 11:45 a.m., SVCC
Aug. 22 – Classification talk by new member Kristine Horton, Wesley Knapp host. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.
Aug. 29 – John Stokinger, host and speaker, “Pennsylvania State Parks Build Great Memories”
11:45 a.m., SVCC.

Birthdays: August 16 – Konrad Kempfe; 29 – Jay Lemons

Quotation: “Nothing good ever comes from worrying or sitting there feeling sorry for yourself….Keep positive and keep pushing on and things will turn good.” Conor McGregor