Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Connects the World
Volume 92, No. 8 President – Carol Handlan Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting – Sept. 5, 2019 – Speaker is Derek Hicks, SAHS football coach. Chad Cohrs is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
August 29, 2019 – Twenty Rotarians were in attendance for Rotarian John Stokinger’s presentation entitled “Pennsylvania State Parks Build Great Memories.” John is passionate about camping and he and his wife have had 71 trips in 24 different PA State Parks. As a life long camper, John and Diane enjoy the State Parks the most because while there are amenities, they are not overwhelmed with permanent or seasonal occupants. Gifford Pinchot, working with President Roosevelt had a lot to do with the development of the parks, with lots of work being completed by CCC workers. He shared pictures of the 5 different tents he has owned and of the first pop-ups and mobile campers they’ve enjoyed during the years. With Diane’s anticipated retirement, the Stokinger’s plan to continue to take multiple camping and hiking trips, along with the cat.
Announcements: Golf Committee continues to look for teams, sponsors and volunteers for 9/9 event.*Marv is looking for two additional host families for our new exchange student and all are asked to think of possibilities. If you are doing events with your family after that date and it is appropriate, to include him in those activities.*Dan Mahoney is coordinating Club participation in this year’s Market St. Festival, 9/28. Signup sheet for providing snacks was circulated.** Do use sale of Golf Ball Drop tickets as a way of increasing knowledge of club activities among non-members. Goal this year is to sell all 1000 tickets. Opportunity to sell tickets at the Farmers Market at the Commons on Saturday morning 9/14. ***The District Conference will be held in Gettysburg in April. Note change for calendar – DG’s visit is now scheduled for Oct. 3.****Marv reported on a meeting with SASD Building and Grounds Committee re help with snow removal at Rotary Field.
International Moment: Toby Skinner shared information about a Rotary program in India to help decrease the number of traffic deaths.
Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows (to the best of the Editor’s ability to record them): himself (high school band); Mike Flock (beautiful weather); Dave Lawer (program, 3 year old grandkid); Gerald Stauffer (back); Gary Gonsar (speaker and baby sitting two year old grandson); Art Bowen (NJ family, attending game with in laws); Marty Blessing (speaker, REC open – snacks needed); John Stokinger (45th wedding anniversary, N. AZ trip); Carol Handlan (John Stokinger, family get together, music on the commons); Mike Damiano (speaker, get together); Charlie McCuen (back from wonderful Italy trip, grandkids bds); Ken Miller (Marv’s presentation to B&G committee); and Dan Mahoney (FL grandsons first birthday).
Future Programs:
Sept. 12 – Bill French will speak about his recent purchase of Wood Mode, Tom Gates is the host. 11:45 a.m. SVCC. John Stokinger will edit the newsletter.
Sept. 19 – Chris Berleth from the GSVCC will speak about Leadership Susquehanna Valley. 11:45 a.m., SVCC. Jared Roush will edit the newsletter.
Sept. 26 – TBA, Charlie McCuen, host. 11:45 a.m., SVCC
Oct. 3 – District Governor Swan Stull’s official Club visit, Board Meeting precedes at 10:30 a.m., 11:45 a.m., SVCC.
Birthdays: Sept. 3 – Tom Gates; 5 – John Fischer; 6 – Melissa Laniewski; 24 – Don Summers.
Quotation: “If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.” Vincent Van Gogh