Selinsgrove Area Club
Rotary Connects the World
Volume 92, No. 9 President – Carol Handlan Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting – Sept. 12, 2019 – Bill French will speak about his recent purchase of Wood-Mode. Tom Gates is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m. John Stokinger will serve as Newsletter Editor.
September 5, 2019 – Twenty-two Rotarians were present to hear Derek Hicks, SAHS Football Coach, speak about the safety measures now taken related to concussion in all fall sports. Derek has worked in the school district since 1997, originally as a middle school science teacher, and has coached football since 1997, originally with the 9th grade program and then as a defense coach. He became head coach for the high school in 2015. The kind of training coaches receive, education of players, the presence of a trainer at practices and games, the presence of a doctor at games, the Booster Club purchase of HelmetFit system, use of the SCAT Form provided by GMC, purchase of new helmets, are all seen as having contributed to the reduction of concussions. In addition to the above protocols, changes in how practice is conducted have been beneficial. The HelmetFit system allows for regular monitoring of the air bladder inside of the helmets which keeps them fitting securely. This was an interesting and informative program. Chad Cohrs was the host. Board of Directors meeting preceded. President Handlan reported that VP Dan Mahoney has agreed to step up to the President Elect position.
Announcements: Golf Tournament is this coming Monday, 9/9 and all are reminded to follow up with volunteering at the event.*Marv is looking for two additional host families for our new exchange student and all are asked to think of possibilities. **Dan Mahoney is coordinating Club participation in this year’s Market St. Festival, 9/28. Signup sheet for providing snacks was circulated.** Do use sale of Golf Ball Drop tickets as a way of increasing knowledge of club activities among non-members. Goal this year is to sell all 1000 tickets. ***The District Conference will be held in Gettysburg in April. Note change for calendar – DG’s visit is scheduled for Oct. 3.****The Dictionary Project is scheduled for Oct. 4 at the Intermediate School at 12:30. Rotarians are invited to attend. Don Summers has organized the project, Toby Skinner and Marv Rudnitsky volunteered to assist.
International Moment: Toby Skinner reported that the Board has approved expending the budget for international programs as follows: $500 to the Malaria Consortium for the purchase of treated nets at a cost of $2 per net with the total donation going for the purchase of nets and $500 to the Belize Council for the Visually Impaired to assist them in their work providing glasses and medications to children and seniors who are in need of such services. We will challenge the Belize City Rotary Club to match our donation.
Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows (to the best of the Editor’s ability to record them): Two birthdays – Tom Gates (family birthday celebration and Kentucky Fried Chicken, and John); and John Fischer (and thanks to the Golf Comm. And volunteers), himself (the report that our Exchange student is joyful); Dave Lawer (Dan for stepping up, the two birthday boys, and the speaker); Mike Flock (bass fishing); Pat Pinkowski (back and speaker); John Reed (speaker and grandkids); Chad Cohrs (missing, speaker); Sarah Maneval (talked into a puppy, all the kid’s sports); Konrad Kempfe (Outer Banks Vacation); Toby Skinner (speaker and Dan stepping up) and Earl Ferster (back, Bill Clark’s greeting, speaker and +15).
Future Programs:
Sept. 19 – Chris Berleth from the GSVCC will speak about Leadership Susquehanna Valley. 11:45 a.m., SVCC. Jared Roush will edit the newsletter.
Sept. 26 – TBA, Charlie McCuen, host. 11:45 a.m., SVCC
Oct. 3 – District Governor Swan Stull’s official Club visit, Board Meeting precedes at 11:00 a.m., 11:45 a.m., SVCC.
Oct. 10 – Javier Vidalia, Youth Program Director for the REC will be the speaker. Marty Blessing is the host. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.
Birthdays: Sept. 24 – Don Summers. Oct. 4 – Chad Cohrs and Sarah Maneval; 21- John Reed.
Quotation: “This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in.” Theodore Roosevelt