Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Connects the World
Volume 92, No. 13 President – Carol Handlan Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting – Oct. 10, 2019 – Javier Vidalia, Youth Program Director for the REC will be the speaker. Marty Blessing is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m. Jared Roush will edit the newsletter.
October 3, 2019 – Twenty-seven Rotarians, including visitors Marti Gates and Jeff Coup, and Ken Miller’s guest Bob Bertram, were present for District Governor Swan Stull’s official visit to the Club. A Board of Director’s meeting preceded with the DG.
Swan had a long career at GMC with the nurse anesthetist program, and now, in retirement, considers her passion for Rotary to be a second career. The DG reminded us that each Club is autonomous and responsible to have up to date by-laws (which we do) and urged to have a long-term plan (which we do not have in writing). We are challenged to look at ourselves and our projects both forward and backward (Levi story), seeing if we would be wise to stop doing, or change how we are doing something, and/or otherwise reignite a “spark.” One possibility for something new is a community Interact/Rotaract for those aged 10 – 35, a way to engage young people in the “service above self” tradition of Rotary. We were reminded of the RI Annual Fund and how, if our per capita giving is above 50 percent for two out of three years, we are eligible to apply for matching grants, thus doubling the amount we are able to contribute to projects such as the Wheel Chair project. Members joined the DG in signing a Polio Plus poster for contributions of $1.00 or more to Polio Plus endeavor. We are also encouraged to do a “world’s greatest meal” program in support of Polio Plus.
Announcements: Do use sale of Golf Ball Drop tickets as a way of increasing knowledge of club activities among non-members. Goal this year is to sell all 1000 tickets and do date have only sold half. Date of the drop is October 19. *Halloween Parade is Oct. 15 – sign-up sheet circulated for those who can participate.**Don Summers reminds members that the dictionary project at the intermediate school is tomorrow, 10/4 at 12:30. Toby, Marv, Pat have volunteered to help, but all should feel free to attend.***Thank you to Dan Mahoney for all the work coordinating the Market St. Festival. Dan also thanks all who helped.****John Sokinger announced that we have our second Little Green Box for recycling household batteries (thanks, Carol).
International Moment: Toby Skinner shared that she has received a personal thank you note for our donation to purchase Malaria netting.
Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows (to the best of the Editor’s ability to record them): Happy Birthday to Sarah Maneval (twin touchdown, DG, birthday); himself (DG); Mike Flock (DG); Toby Skinner (Dan and DG); Marty Blessing (DG); Pat Pinkowski (DG, Dan and dipping strawberries); Art Bowen (Dan M., John S, guests and Maine trip); Marti Gates (nice to be here and see folks from Chamber); Gerald Stauffer, Tom Gates, Konrad Kempfe, Mary Peterhaensel (DG); Jeff Coup (being here and hearing DG); Dave Lawer (DG, Dan M and Bob Bertram); John Stokinger (DG, Vermont trip); Ken Miller (DG and guests); Hal Dunkelberger (DG, guests, rain); Carol Handlan (DG, guests, Dan M, John S, keep wishing husband well); and Swan Stull (nice to be here and not badge).
Future Programs:
Oct. 17 – Laura Mentch, Pharmacist with Natures Medicine in Selinsgrove, speaking on the process of medical marijuana and the pharmacist’s role in that process, Pat Pinkowski is the host. 11:45 a.m., SVCC. John Stokinger will edit newsletter.
Oct. 24 – Opportunity to meet this year’s Rotary Exchange Student, Josea Parez. Host is Marv Rudnitsky. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.
Oct. 31 – Susan Bolig, Parent to Parent of Penna. Regional Coordinator will be the speaker. Mike Flock is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m. First reading of Directors and Officers slate for 20-21 by nominating committee.
Nov. 7 – TBA, Ken Wagner is the host. Second reading of Slate for 20-21 by the nominating committee. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: Oct. 21- John Reed. Nov. 6 – Gerald Stauffer, Donna Schuck; 9 – Marty Blessing.
Quotation: “It is always wise, I think, if you feel something is wrong, to try to stand up for what you believe is right.” Eleanor Roosevelt