Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Connects the World
Volume 92, No. 21 President – Carol Handlan Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting – Dec. 12, 2019 – Jay Mueller of Recreation will be the speaker. Marv Rudnitsky is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Dec. 5, 2019 – Twenty-seven Rotarians and guests were present for the Annual Meeting, Election of Officers and Directors for 20-21, and the visit of Students of the Month from the SASD. Elected as Directors for 20-21 are Art Bowen, Club Service; Marty Blessing, Vocational Service; Toby Skinner, International Service; Pat Pinkowski, Community Service. Officer nominees are Dan Mahoney, President; Carol Handlan, Past President; Vice President (nominee sought); President Elect (nominee sought); Treasurer, Sarah Maneval; Secretary, Hal Dunkelberger. As requested by President Handlan, Dottie Anderson installed new member Bob Bertarm with the assistance of his sponsor, Dan Mahoney. In addition, she presented Michael Damiano with a three-ruby pin for his very generous donations to the Rotary International Foundation. John Fischer presented a $3000 check to Kelly Feiler for the REC which was raised via the Golf Tournament. Marv Rudnitsky introduced students of the month from the SASD for Sept., Oct., Nov. and Dec. Sept. – Dylan DeFazio, a senior, goal of being an engineer, hopes to attend Cal Poly or Rice; Oct. – Luke Kantz, has enjoyed FAA, is class President, participated in exchange with Senshu in Japan, plans to study science and math at Univ. of Pittsburgh; Nov. – Anna Gephart, plays field hockey, is President of National Honor Society, plans to study Poli. Sci., hopefully at American; Dec. – Katelyn Bucher, another field hockey star, active in FBLA and Youth in Philanthropy program, plans to study accounting at Susquehanna.
Announcements: John Stokinger spoke about the Pints for Polio event this Saturday, Dec. 7 at Isle of Que Brewing Co. and distributed a flyer that can be posted to advertise the event. Que Brew will will donate $1 for every 16 ounces of beer sold that day which will increase our donation toward Polio Plus. Do plan to stop by and participate. *Pat Pinkowski thanked all for donations, she will be shopping with and for the family tomorrow.**With relief, Marv announced that he has found two more host families for our current exchange student. In addition, a local student will be applying to participate in outbound exchange. ***Marty Blessing circulated sign-up sheet for Rural/Urban night scheduled for 1/23 – save the date, guests and partners welcome. Art Bowen circulated sign-up sheet for Holiday Luncheon scheduled for 12/19.****Check out Tree Fest at the Library and the Rotary tree Pokey the Puppy – thank you Sarah.*****Envelope circulating for Sue.
Business Membership Application: The Board has approved the application from the Regional Engagement Center to become our first Business Membership. Kelly Feiler is the Business Membership Designee (BED). See By Laws Article 12, Section 2 for description of this category.
Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows (to the best of the Editor’s ability to record them): himself (young Americans, exchange hosts, Penn State season); Dave Lawer (Mike Damiano, Bob Bertram, Sarah, students); Fohn Fischer (same plus 26 for Thanksgiving); Tom Gates (same plus Marv); Art Bowen (same plus John Stokinger, 17 for Thanksgiing, 25 day countdown); Gary Gonser (students and holiday); Pat Pinkowski (same, thanksgiving); John Stokinger (same, Vermont and Maine); Marty Blessing (students, Mike, Bob); Melissa Laniewski (same plus Sarah, 8 trees decorated); Mike Flock (same and daughter’s honor); Hal Dunkelberger (Mike’s three rubies, Sarah and tree); Mike Damiano (deer stand, Bob and Sarah, college in playoffs); Toby Skinner (Mike, guests, Kelly, Boston for Thanksgiving); Sarah Maneval (all the above); Carol Handlan (same plus Jim home from hospital and recovering); and Earl Ferster (+++and holiday season).
Future Programs:
Dec. 19 – Holiday Luncheon, partners and guests welcome, Art Bowen host. Share with Art any suggestions for entertainment. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Dec. 26 and Jan. 2 – No Meeting either week in recognition of the Holidays.
Jan. 9 – TBA, Mike Damiano, host. SVCC, 11:45a.m.
Jan. 16 – TBA, Toby Skinner is the host. SVCC 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: Dec. 8 – Cheryl Stumpf, Charlie McCuen, 10 – Marv Rudnitsky, 23 – Dan Mahoney, 30 – Dottie Anderson
Quotation:“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” Maya Angelou