Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Connects the World
Vol. 92, No. 24 President – Carol Handlan – Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting – Jan. 16, 2019 – Outlook and Opportunities: Investing in the Late Innings of the Bull Market, Michael Damiano is the host and the speaker. The program explores the economy, interest rates and our outlook, current market trends, late-cycle risks and opportunities, and the importance of portfolio balance. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Jan. 9, 2020 – Twenty-six Rotarians and speaker John Oglesby were present for the induction of our first business/corporate member as authorized in our By Laws: the Regional Engagement Center. Kelly Feiler is the executive designee (BED) who will be noted as member by RI and the district, joined by Javier Vidalia, Youth Program Director and Debrah Baxter, Ameri Corps representative. Toby Skinner, host, introduced John for his presentation on flutes. He began playing as a 2-year-old on a “potato flute” which he showed and played for us. Now an active member of a Native American Flute Circle, he is the owner of more than 60 Native American or Native American like instruments. He demonstrated several, noting the difference in sound, dependent on the type of wood used and the size. In addition to collecting and playing all of his types of flutes, John composes music for the flute as well. A native of Randolph, NJ, her is a graduate of SU where he majored in Religion, returning later for a second degree in computer science, followed by working at the University until his retirement.
Announcements: Marty Blessing circulated list for Rural/Urban night scheduled for 1/23 – please note that this evening dinner replaces the noon meeting on that date. If you’ve missed signing up, please call or e-mail Marty. Guests and partners are welcome. *Art Bowen noted it is time to start thinking about nominations for the Distinguished Service Award for 2020. Nomination forms are available. **Planning for our 5th annual Mallet Madness starts next week. Let Donna know if you are interested in participating in the planning process.***Reminder of SNOW POLICY – we don not meet if the SASD as cancelled classes.****Bob Bertram has been appointed to the Vice Presidency for the remainder of this Rotary Year by the Board at its meeting today.
Sergeant at arms: John Stokinger collected happy fines as follows (to the best of the Editor’s ability to record them): Wes Knapp’s Birthday (we’ll catch Mike Damiano at another time). Himself (2 weeks off, new Business Member – Kelly, holidays); Dave Lawer (program, Kelly, holiday, thank you notes from 3rd graders for dictionaries and success of scholarship recipients); Tom Gates (family Christmas, 50th wedding anniversary, golf with grandsons); Mike Flock (family holiday, Kelly and the REC); Art Bowen (three Christmas celebrations, 12/17 official retirement, REC); Brian Neitz (son and basketball); Chad Cohrs (back, REC, ok weather); Donna Schuck (REC, has bought and sold 4 houses with Art as the realtor, thank you notes adorable, Year 5 for MM); Carol Handlan (speaker, Kelly, Verizon issues); Melissa Laniewski (Kelly, Carol and all her efforts for Selinsgrove, Mentor Art’s retirement); Kelly Feiler (Javier and she joining, son at Penn State); Hal Dunkeberger (REC and Kelly, cancer free for 9 months); Mary Peterhaensel (sale of church); Konrad Kempfe (Peru and Chili trip); Gerald Stauffer (Kelly and REC, speaker); Toby Skinner (speaker, Kelly); Ken Miller (speaker and Chad) and Earl Ferster (+15 and happy).
Future Programs:
Jan. 23 – 6 p.m. Rural/Urban night chicken and waffles dinner at the Christ Community United Methodist Church, 3939 Park Road. We are joined by partners, guests, and members of the Young Farmers. Speaker is Mark Dersham, a Hemp Farmer.
Jan. 30 – Speaker will be Lee Knepp. Host is Hal Dunkelberger. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Feb. 5 – TBA, Earl Ferster is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m. Board Meeting precedes.
Feb. 13 – TBA, Gary Gonsar is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: Jan. 24 – Mike Flock, Feb. 3 – Toby Skinner; 5 – Carol Handlan; 22 – Raven Rudnitsky.
Quotation:“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language and next year’s words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning.” T. S. Eliot