Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Connects the World
Vol. 92, No. 33 – President – Carol Handlan – Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: March 19, 2020 – Rotarian host Malcolm Derk, who is President of Selinsgrove Projects Inc., will provide an update on their activities. Anna Wiest will present her winning 4 Way Test speech. President Elect Mahoney will share a bit about the PETS training he attended. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
March 12, 2020 – Eighteen Rotarians and a guest (Stacey Napoli, Kristine Horton’s guest) were present to hear from Andy Paladino, Store Director of the Selinsgrove Target. Mike Flock was the host. Andy, a Penn State graduate, started with Target in 2004, opening stores in York, Lancaster, and Carlisle where he became HR manager and was responsible for hiring all employees. He became a Store Manager in Huntington, W. VA., followed by Vestal, NY., State College, and then here 7 years ago. The store here opened in 2002 and was remodeled in 2012. He shared Target’s philosophy and not having the fate of other box stores. Change (remodeling stores rather than closing), providing service, multiple ways of shopping, including on line, pick up, and two day shipping, hourly wage increase (at $15 per hour by end of 2020). The local Target is one of 13 in the Central PA district, and has about 100 employees, with 4 salaried and 8 hourly managers. The company has continued to grow in share of the market. Andy refers to “guests” rather than customers, which reflects the philosophy of Target corporate.
Thank you to the VFW Auxiliary for the $1000 gift from their fund raiser to support maintenance at Rotary Field. Thank you Kristine Horton for suggesting this to the VFW.
International Moment: Toby Skinner shared information about the work of a British Columbia Club in developing a 106-acre Animal and plant Preserve.
Announcements: Planning for the 5th annual Mallet Madness has started. Next meeting is 3/19. The date for the event is June 6 (not 13 as is shown in the year’s Rotary Calendar. Let Donna know if you are interested in participating on the committee.*Reminder of SNOW POLICY – we do not meet if the SASD has cancelled school.**.
Sergeant at arms: Konrad Kempfe collected happy fines as follows: Happy Birthday to Mary Peterhaensel (plus losing service at Trinity); himself (VFW Auxiliary); Mike Flock (speaker and Sirius 121 for excellent infor on Coronaviris); Toby Skinner (Stacey, Speaker, Dottie and St. Patrick’s Day jewelry); John Fischer (guest and speaker); Ken Miller (Richfield event with Earl); Wes Knapp (well-traveled luggage returned); Carol Handlan (speaker, guests, Dan Mahoney); and Earl Ferster (speakers and + 15).
Future Programs:
Mar. 26 – Mike Molosevich, will present a program on the history of Selinsgrove, based on Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps. Host is Gerald Stauffer. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
April 2 – Club Assembly Mallet Madness presentation, Donna Schuck, Jared Roush, John Stokinger. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
April 9 – Distinguished Service Award Lunch. Art Bowen is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
April 16 – TBA, Kristine Horton is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: Mar. 24 – Dave Lawer; 31 – Ken Miller. April 6 – Brian Neitz; 20 – Gary Gonsar
Quotation: “Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.” -Bill Gates