Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Connects the World
Vol. 92, No. 34 – President – Carol Handlan – Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting will be on Zoom: May 14, 2020 – Members will receive an e-mail message from President Handlan from which you can sign in to zoom at noon for a “Club Check-in. It is hoped that this will allow members to reconnect and enable us to communicate with one another.
May 7, 2020 – The Board of Directors met via zoom earlier today. Convened by President Handlan, we discussed several things that will be of interest to members, and determined that we will have a meeting for the membership via zoom, beginning next Thursday, the 14th at noon. Rotary Field is now officially zoned open space. A change in the Borough’s signage ordinance makes it possible to paint a Rotary Field Sign at the field. The REC is looking for donations of non-perishable food or money for the purchase of such foods as they continue providing meals to SASD families in need. Club will be hanging Rotary Club banner at Rotary Field and providing a place for the public to hang signs thanking first responders for all of their work during this interesting time. We are hoping that zoom meetings, including speakers, will work well for the Club until we are again able to meet personally at the SVCC.
Questions? Concerns? – do be in touch with Carol.
International Moment: Be sure to read your Rotarian Magazine for the latest re international activities.
Announcements: Mallet Madness for 2020 has been cancelled because of the pandemic. *Decision re the Golf Tournament is on hold for now.***SSDC will exist in some form this summer, final decision to be made at mid May zoom board meeting.****District training sessions and the District Conference are being held remotely.
Sergeant at arms: Thanks, Marv for sharing the occasional humor during the shut down. Belated happy birthday to those we didn’t get to celebrate in March and April – Dave Lawer, Ken Miller, Brian Neitz and Gary Gonsar.
Future Programs:
May 14 – First Zoom Meeting at noon. President Handlan presiding.
May 21 – 2nd Zoom Meeting. Tentative: Dave Lawer introduces new scholarship recipients. Noon.
May 28 – Third Zoom Meeting. Tentative: Marv Rudnitsky will introduce speech contest winner.
June 4 – TBA. Board Meeting at 11 am. Zoom or in person meeting.
Birthdays: May 12 – Malcolm Derk; 15 – John Stokinger.
Quotation: “What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside you.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson