March 21, 2020

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Rotary Connects the World

Vol. 92, No. 36 – President – Carol Handlan – Editor – Dottie Anderson


Next Meeting will be on Zoom:  May 28, 2020 – Members will receive an e-mail message from President Handlan so you can sign in at noon for a virtual Club Meeting. Marv Rudnitsky will introduce our 4 Way Speech contest winner.

March 21, 2020 – Twenty-one people, seventeen members and four scholarship winners joined us for the meeting. Dave Lawer introduced the three Rotary Scholarship winners and one of the five Garman Scholarship winners.  On behalf of the SACF, Dave, Pat Pinkowski and Raven Rudnitsky served as the scholarship committee, awarding a total of $20,000 ( $3,000 from the Club) for the 20-21 school year.  The scholarships assisted eight students who ranked in class from #1 to #121, 4 are from single parent families, family income ranges from $36,000 to $120,000. Rotary winners who were on line with us are 4 year scholarship winners Luke Kantz (a twin, he has always been highly involved with activities like Key Club, and FLA, he plans to study actuarial science and Spanish at the Univ. of Pittsburgh) and Trent Nornhold (overcoming a difficult childhood, he is highly motivated, becoming an Eagle Scout, he took advantage of the ACE program completing his senior high school year and his first year of college at Bloomsburg, where he will continue in the fall studying business and marketing), and 2 year winner from SUN Tech, Tabitha Hauck (raised on a dairy farm which family left 10 years ago, she is still highly invested in agriculture, she studied diesel truck technology at SUN Tech, with special interest in farm machinery, she is currently working at John Deere and will attend Univ. of Northwestern Ohio to earn an associate degree in farm technology equipment). Garmen winners are Aleah Longacre, Shawn Brown, Anna Gephart, Rebecca Radel, and at our meeting, Nick Thompson (reports always being interested in STEM and active in honors choir and tennis team, he obtained an internship with Sunbury Broadcast which solidified his love of and interest in Radio, he will attend Bloomsburg to study Mass Communication). Dottie Anderson installed new member Stacey Napoli who is sponsored by Kristine Horton. She will be given pin and packet as soon as we can gather again.

Announcements:  $415 was raised from members toward food distribution program being done by Kelly Feiler of the REC; *more later about the Rotary Banner and posting signs of gratitude and/or inspiration; **Decision about Sept. golf tournament will be made at the end of May or in early June;***Dave Lawer, John Fischer and Tom Gates set up the flags at Rotary Field in honor of veterans Memorial Day. ****Carol has picked up the Rotary information rack card from Sire Advertising and it looks great.*****Next week is District Training Assembly for Grants, done on line – please check your e-mail for dates and times – we need two Rotarians to attend.

Sergeant at arms:  Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines (which will be posted to quarterly bill) from himself ($1 – REC getting $5,000 grant from deceased clients foundation); John Stokinger ($1 – house listed yesterday with Melissa, three showings already scheduled); John Fischer ($1 – glad to help with flag display standing up);  Mike Flock (he’ll arrange to meet Stacey at Rotary Field to take her new member picture with sponsor Kristine Horton); Raven Rudnitsky ($2 – welcome to students, fun to read all about them); Javier for the REC ($1 – thanks to members for the donations toward food distribution); Carol Handlan ($5 -Stacey, students, Tom, Dave, John for flag display, surviving health scare) and Stacey Napoli ($3 – thanks and happy to be a Rotarian).

Future Programs:

June 4 – TBA. Scheduled host is John Reed. (John, check with Melissa Laniewski to see if her speaker from May might be available). Board Meeting at 11 am. Zoom or in person meeting.

June 11 – TBA. Cheryl Stumpf (Cheryl, check with Brian Neitz to see if his May speaker might be available – Tom Webb from Spyglass Winery)

June 18 – host? Program TBA

June 25 – Installation of 2020-2021 Officers and Directors.

Birthdays:  June 24 – Pat Pinkowski

Quotation: “Never has there been a good war or a bad peace.”  -Benjamin Franklin