Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Connects the World
Vol. 92, No. 38 – President – Carol Handlan – Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting, weather permitting, will be at Rotary Field (bring a lunch and a chair – mask and social distancing apply) or on Zoom if raining: June 11, 2020 – Members will receive an e-mail message from President Handlan to confirm location. Presenter and Host is Cheryl Stumpf: Distress Tolerance.
June 4, 2020 – Fifteen Rotarians and guest speaker Bob Garrett of the Chamber of Commerce joined us for the meeting. Dan Mahoney was the host. Bob shared information about a morning phone call with Senator Gordner concerning COVID and reentry money coming to the counties to assist in making up loses. A four county strategy will be used. He shared a Chamber publication Responsible Re-entry: Planning for your business. President Handlan has emailed the publication to all members. There are several websites listed that should assist in helping businesses, schools, daycares. A board meeting preceded.
Announcements: An additional $1000 was donated from a member toward food distribution program being done by SEA and Kelly Feiler of the REC, bringing the total to $1915; *more later about the Rotary Banner and posting signs of gratitude and/or inspiration; **Decision about Sept. golf tournament will be made in early June;***The Rotary Board, based on communications from the Country Club, is in the process of working with the Club for our return to meeting there. Social distancing will be possible in the large room, food will not be buffet, but probably box or bag lunches.****ATTACHED TO THIS E-MAIL IS THE DRAFT OF THE 20-21 ROTARY CALENDAR – PLEASE REVIEW TO SEE WHERE YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO BE HOST AT THIS POINT – IF YOU KNOW THAT DATE WILL NOT WORK, PLEASE BE IN TOUCH WITH ART BOWEN ASAP. Note – you may appear more than once, so please review whole document.
sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: himself (boro council decision to revise sign ordinance, school doing pics of grads and families); Dottie Anderson (haircut); Gerald Stauffer (on way for hike at Rickets Glen with his dog); Dan Mahoney (speaker and son’s upcoming wedding); John Stokinger (house sold, lot purchased in Maine); John Fischer (zoom golf committee meeting, thanks Carol); and Carol Handlan (speaker, and hope to be meeting in person soon).
Future Programs:
June 18 – host? Program TBA – classification talk?
June 25 – Installation of 2020-2021 Officers and Directors.
July 2 – no meeting in recognition of July 4th holiday
July 9 – TBA, Chad Cohrs, host
Birthdays: June 24 – Pat Pinkowski
Quotation: “Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” -Benjamin Franklin