Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Connects the World
Vol. 92, No. 40 – President – Carol Handlan – Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting will be a bag lunch at the REC – mask and social distancing apply): June 25, 2020 – Installation of 2020-21 Officers and Directors. Outgoing President Handlan will have the opportunity to share reflections on her year as President, and Incoming President Mahoney will briefly share his goals for his year as President. Dottie Anderson, Installing Officer.
June 18, 2020 – Sixteen Rotarians joined us for the meeting at the Regional Engagement Center (REC). Thank you Kelly for setting tables and chairs up as we followed recommended social distancing and wearing of masks.
Rotarian and program host Cheryl Stumpf provided a program on Distress Tolerance. Cheryl is a certified MDSR Trauma therapist and she shared a bit about her work and an exercise to help all of us get in touch with and deal with the reactions we have to the current state of the world around us and the divisiveness of our current society. Our reactions may be causing old trauma to resurface, affecting our reactions. Stress and anxiety produce reactions that may be harmful to our long-term mental health unless we find ways to deal with it in a healthy way. She demonstrated a technique we can all use on our own, acknowledging that time limit only allowed for “scratching the surface” of what could be an all-day or weekend workshop.
President Handlan shared a thank you letter from the REC for our $1000 donation. The REC is providing food boxes weekly to 55 families and sharing curriculum of activities for campers to do on their own.
Konrad Kempfe presented a thank you gift to John Stokinger for his contributions to our Club, prior to his move to Maine. It was a lovely outdoor painting of a kayaker on rapids.
Announcements: Please consider volunteering to assist with events at the Gazebo – check e-mail sent out via Carol and Melissa.* **Decision about Sept. golf tournament will be made following today’s meeting;**Rotary will return to meeting at the Country Club on July 9. Social distancing will be possible in the large room, food will not be buffet, but either a box or plated lunch. ***PLEASE, READ THE DRAFT OF THE 20-21 ROTARY CALENDAR – PLEASE REVIEW TO SEE WHERE YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO BE HOST AT THIS POINT. We plan to print for distribution in July and would like it to be as accurate as possible – you may appear more than once, so please review whole document.
sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows (to the best of the Editor’s ability to hear): himelf (Cheryl); Hal (great blood test); John Fischer (job Carol has done); Konrad (Carol keeping Club alive); Dave Lawer (several, including 49th anniversary); Bob (REC and Dan giving free golf lessons to kids on Saturday); Pat (seeing faces and 53rd anniversary yesterday); Charlie (back, golf team in 4th place); Cheryl (home safely from the beach); Kelly (happy o have us at the REC and to holding exercise class again); and Carol H (Kelly, speaker, Don Rowe, zoom family reunion with 47 people!).
Future Programs:
July 2 – no meeting in recognition of July 4th holiday
July 9 – Back at the SVCC, 11:45 a.m., host is Brian Neitz, speaker is Tom Webb from Spy Glass Winery. Board Meeting precedes at 11 a.m.
July 16 – SVCC, 11:45 a.m., Dottie Anderson, host, speakers are co-directors of the Summer SEALS Day Camp, Kelsey Kline and McKenzie Sweet who will speak about the 2020 camp program. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
July 23 – Club Assembly, Dan Mahoney presiding. Calendar distributed, audit committee appointed, budget presented and discussed by Sarah Maneval. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: June 24 – Pat Pinkowski. July 19 – Jared Roush.
Quotation: “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” -Desmond Tutu