July 16, 2020

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Vol. 93, No. 2 – President – Dan Mahoney – Editor – Carol Handlan


Next Meeting:  July 23, 2020 – Club Assembly, Dan Mahoney, presiding.  Again, we will be back at SVCC in the ballroom, social distancing and masks are required except when seated and eating. A box lunch will be served.  Access to the meeting will also be available via Zoom. We know all Rotarians will understand that this is the responsible way for us to meet together.

July 16, 2020: 20 Rotarians in-person (18) or via Zoom (2) along with 3 guests, joined us for the first time back at SVCC to hear McKenzie Sweet and Kelsey (Kline) Sands speak on the how the Summer Seals program is operating during the pandemic. They were introduced by Dottie Anderson. The Summer Seals board voted to continue the program even with the pandemic and schools being closed. They have 30 campers in this year’s program and which started slightly later than normal on June 29 and it will run through August 10. McKenzie and Kelsey, along with the teachers put together a wonderful new program that included learning kits with a sport, beach or safari themes, which were then delivered to the campers’ homes. The kits included lesson plans and activities that were well thought out and well received by the parents and campers. Teachers stated in touch with the campers virtually through online interactions.  An actual kit that the students received was shared during their presentation.  It was great to hear how the program was redesigned to continue to fill such an important need in our community.

Announcements: 1) Dan mentioned how well last week’s program was with Tom Webb and that Tom has extended an invitation to our club to hold a meeting in the new brewery that has not yet opened at Spyglass Ridge. So we will be meeting there on August 13. 2) Dan also discussed the Golf Ball Drop. The board had voted to approve holding it and he had solicited comments from the membership and based on the responses, the majority said that we should move forward; especially since this will most likely be our only fundraiser this year. We do need members to step up and chair the initiative.  3) Ken Miller announced that he will be donating the cost of the metal Rotary signs that will be placed on the backstop at Rotary field. We all thanked Ken for his generosity. 4) Dan brought a fresh baked pie, again this week, and had last week’s winner of the most interesting mask, Marty Blessing, pick this week’s winner and that was Stacey Napoli. 5) This is the last call on the review of the Draft of the 20-21 Rotary Calendar. If you have not yet done so, PLEASE READ THE DRAFT OF THE 20-21 ROTARY CALENDAR – REVIEW TO SEE WHERE YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO BE HOST AT THIS POINT. We plan to print for distribution at the Club Assembly next week and would like it to be as accurate as possible – you may appear more than once, so please review whole document. Thank you!

Sergeant at Arms:  Marv Rudnitsky collected $27.00 in happy fines from the following Rotarians and with social distancing, I may have missed a few due to difficulty hearing everyone in the ballroom: Marv (essential workers/recovering from carpal tunnel surgery) Hal (birthday) Cheryl (daughter job at Camp Luther/everyone well and back together/guest of radio talk show) Toby (SS?) Conrad (speaker last week/Earl) Art (glad to be back after his surgery) Don (glad he is not passing another kidney stone) Ken (sign at Rotary field/church council donated soil for Rotary field) Tom (Art/being back at SVCC) Dottie (speakers/Donna Ross) Stacey (Art/being together again/everyone’s health)

Future Programs:

July 30 – Internet connected presentation by Rotarian and Financial Advisor, Michael Damiano, presenter and host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

August 6Visit by District Governor Wright, SVCC, 11:45 a.m. Board Meeting precedes.

August 13 – Lunch and Tour of Three Beards Brewing at Spyglass Ridge Winery Hal Dunkelberger, host.

August 20 – Nicki Burrows of Kurt Weiss Greenhouses is the speaker. Earl Ferster, host

BirthdaysAugust 11- Javier Videla; 16 – Earl Ferster, Konrad Kempfe; 29 – Jay Lemons

Quotation:  “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others?” – Martin Luther King Jr