Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Vol. 93, No. 3 – President – Dan Mahoney – Editor – Carol Handlan
Next Meeting: July 30, 2020 – Internet connected presentation by Rotarian and Financial Advisor, Michael Damiano, presenter and host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
July 23, 2020: 18 Rotarians in-person (16) or via Zoom (2), joined us for our social distant lunch meeting at the SVCC, to hear our President, Dan Mahoney, discuss the 20-21 year ahead. He referenced the calendar. Carol Handlan will provide the final version of the Club Calendar to everyone electronically later today and will have copies for those at next week’s meeting. Dan confirmed with Carol that the 2020 Market Street Festival and the Halloween Parade have been canceled and again, these are missed opportunities for the club this year. He brought up the Golf Ball Drop and that everyone was in favor but we do need individuals to step up and chair the event and everyone to sell tickets. Dan would like us to state specifically, on the tickets, what we would be doing with those monies raised through ticket sales. Perhaps, either an individual project or for multiple recipients, thinking that it may help with the ticket sales. Some suggestions were to designate the Commons, or youth projects, such as, the REC, Summer Seals, etc.. Dan would like additional thoughts on the Golf Ball Drop; please pass them along. Other fundraising possibilities are a Car Show either downtown or at the Selinsgrove Speedway next summer/fall; shared by Tom Gates. Dan announced that Bob Bertram has stepped up to chair our Membership Committee and ask for volunteers to assist him; both Cherly Stumpf and Carol Handlan said they will be on the committee. Finally, Dan would like us to get more youth involved in Rotary and assist with different projects, around the community, helping residents with yard work, moving heavy items, discarding items, etc.. Dan received suggestions to connect with youth through, local churches, Community Action Agency, Selinsgrove Senior Center, Susquehanna University and United Way. The meeting ended with Marty Blessing sharing our selected speaker book, Together by Vivek H. Murthy
Announcements: 1) Dan reminded everyone that we will be meeting at Spyglass Ridge on August 13 and touring their winery and brewery. Lunch will be provided. 2) Dan brought a fresh Apple Crumb pie, again this week, and had John Fischer pick the winner of the most interesting mask – it was a tie between Mary Peterhaensel and Pat Pinkowski – SVCC split the pie for them to share.
Sergeant at Arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected $16.00 in happy fines from the following Rotarians; with social distancing, I may have missed a few due to difficulty hearing everyone in the ballroom: Conrad (happy to be together again) Ken (great visit with family/Flight 93 Memorial) Tom (Art/Baseball starting) Charlie (Golf team standings) Dave (happy to be together again) John F. (happy to be back in person) Earl (thankful for Hal to make sure he gets our Rotary information delivered).
Future Programs:
August 6 – Visit by District Governor Wright, SVCC, 11:45 a.m. Board Meeting precedes.
August 13 – Lunch and Tour of Three Beards Brewing at Spyglass Ridge Winery. Hal Dunkelberger, host.
August 20 – Nicki Burrows of Kurt Weiss Greenhouses is the speaker. Earl Ferster, host
August 27 – Ken Miller, host – TBD
Birthdays: August 11- Javier Videla; 16 – Earl Ferster, Konrad Kempfe; 29 – Jay Lemons
Quotation: “Only a life lived for others is worth living” – Albert Einstein