August 6, 2020

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Vol. 93, No. 5 – President – Dan Mahoney – Editor – Carol Handlan


Next Meeting:  August 13, 2020 – Tour of Three Beards Brewing and Spyglass Ridge at 105 Carrol Road, Sunbury, 11:45 a.m. Lunch will be provided.

August 6, 2020: A board/directors meeting preceded today‘s lunch meeting with 10board/directors in attendance; along with our District Governor, Dr. Wright and Area District Governor, Sarah Kowalski.

August 6, 2020:  22 Rotarians in-person (21) or via Zoom (1), and (4) guests joined us for our social distant lunch meeting at the SVCC, to meet and hear our new Rotary District Governor, Dr. Irvin Wright, speak. Dr. Wright was introduced by Sarah Kowalski, from the Milton Rotary Club and who is an Area District Governor. Dr. Wright has been a Rotarian since 1985 and served 3 terms in the role of President of the Bloomsburg Rotary Club in 1992-93, 2011-12 and 2012-13. He reminded us that Rotary International’s theme this year is ‘Rotary Opens Opportunities’. He spoke about the impact COVID-19 has had on Rotary across the globe. Dr. Wright stated that we should be focused on our annual goals/strategic plan with an emphasis on membership. In order to grow Rotary, we should be tracking and looking at our alum (RYLA, Exchange Students, Interact, Rotarac, and former club members. In addition to looking at demographics, enhancing participation engagement and increasing our ability to adapt. He acknowledged all of the wonderful things are club is doing locally and globally and thanked us for the opportunity to visit with us.  Also, accompanying him today were Vicky Zimmerman and Barbara Morgan from the Muncy Rotary Club and both are also Area District Governors. The meeting ended with Marty Blessing sharing our selected speaker book, Hardest Job in the World The American President by John Dickerson.

Announcements: 1) Reminder by President Dan that we will be at Spyglass Ridge Winery next week and passed out directions.

Sergeant at Arms:  Marv Rudnitsky provided a good dose of humor and collected happy fines from the following Rotarians; with social distancing, I may have missed a few due to difficulty hearing everyone in the ballroom; plus I lost the Zoom connection and was rebooting: Tom (SpaceX/Astronauts) Dave (?) Marv (DG/his anniversary) Carol (DG/guests/borough council) Mike (DG) Bob (DG/guests/Marv & Raven’s anniversary) Earl (DG/$38 happy fines last week) Charlie (Marv & Raven’s anniversary) Mary (DG)

Future Programs:

August 20 – Nicki Burrows of Kurt Weiss Greenhouses is the speaker. Earl Ferster, host.

August 27 –  Benjamin Willard of Family Practice will be our speaker on the Mall property and COVID-19. Ken Miller, host.

September 3 – Charlie McCuen, host – TBD

September 10 – Dr. Frank Jankowski, Superintendent of Selinsgrove Area School District. Marv Rudnitsky, host

Birthdays:  August 11- Javier Videla; 16 – Earl Ferster, Konrad Kempfe; 29 – Jay Lemons

Quotation: “What Is The Essence Of Life? To Serve Others And To Do Good.” – Aristotle