Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Vol. 93, No. 11 – President – Dan Mahoney – Editor – Carol Handlan
Next Meeting: September 24, 2020 – Our speaker will be Joanne Troutman, CEO and President of the Susquehanna Valley United Way. Stacey Napoli, host.
September 17, 2020: 20 Rotarians and (1) guest joined us for our social distant lunch meeting at SVCC. Host, Ken Wagner, introduced Michael Bobb, Executive Director of the Middleburg Area Community Center (MACC). He shared a little background that he retired two years ago and worked at the MACC a few days a week before applying for the ED position. His wife actually held the position prior to him. The community facility serves everyone of all ages and offers a number of services and recreational programs. The MACC currently has 25 employees and volunteers put in an average of 3,500 hours. Some of the programs include but are not limited to child care (infant, preschool, before/after school, summer camp), physical fitness (Silver Sneakers, Cycling, Kick Boxing, Boot Camp, food distribution and medical affiliations with American Red Cross and Evangelical Hospital.
Announcements: 1) Shawn shared an update on the golf ball drop and the committee pasted out the tickets to each individual member to sell. Malcolm will be maintaining the spreadsheet for ticket sales. Arrangements are being made to have a table at the Farmers’ Market on the Commons and Smokers Express for anyone who wants to sell their tickets. A sign up sheet will be passed around next week. 2) President Dan passed out a flyer with information on the Rotary Foundation Dinner Raffle tickets, they are $10 and every ticket after your first goes in your name towards Paul Harris. See Dan if you wish to purchase a ticket. 3) John F. gave an update on the Golf Outing that was held for fun since the original outing was canceled. He said we received a nice donation from Dr. Pagana and it was a great day and added what a good job President Dan did to make it more fun.
Sergeant at Arms: Marv Rudnitsky provided some humor and collected $29 in happy fines. Again, with social distancing, and masks being worn, I may have missed a few. Carol (Speaker/John F./Golf Ball Drop) Malcolm (Speaker/Golf Ball Drop) Earl (Speaker/Making Goal) John F. (Golf/Dan) Hal (Speaker/Signage on Rotary Field) Kelly (REC) Ken W. (Speaker/Being back) Konrad (Speaker) Stacey (Everyone Who Came/REC/Golf Ball Drop) Charlie (John F./Golf/Dan) Dave (Speaker/Dan)
Future Programs:
September 24 – Stacey Napoli, host – Joanne Troutman, President/CEO of the Greater Susquehanna Valley United Way.
October 1 – Kelly Feiler, host – Nicole Peterson, Food Security Coordinator of the Union-Snyder Community Action Agency
October 8 – Carol Handlan, host – Pam Ross, Executive Director of the Snyder County Libraries
September 24 – Don Summers
October 4 – Sarah Maneval, 21 – John Reed
Quotation: “Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.” – Ruth Bader Ginsburg