Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Newsletter
Rotary Opens Opportunities
Vol. 93, No. 14 – President – Dan Mahoney – Editor – Carol Handlan
Next Meeting: Oct. 15, 2020 – The speaker is Jennifer Hain of Sun Area Technical Institute. Wesley Knapp is the host.
Oct. 8, 2020: 19 Rotarians and 2 guests joined us for our social distant lunch meeting at SVCC. Unfortunately, our planned speaker, Pam Ross, was unable to attend because of a potential COVID-19 issue with the library, and has been rescheduled for a program in January. Host, Carol Handlan gave an update on Selinsgrove Projects, Inc (SPI) and how the pandemic has impacted with lack of revenue from cancellation of all its major fundraising activities, hiring of new part-time staff member to the facade grant program and the introduction to the weekend fall Rudy Gelnett Music Series. Carol also shared the plan to have a Rotary Craft and Yard Sale at Rotary Field on October 31st from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Vendor spaces will be sold to non-Rotarians at $10 per space and will be social distanced. Masks will be required. This will also be a great opportunity for the club to have a Rotary Information Table and to sell any remaining golf ball drop tickets. Rotarians will not be charged for a space and can either donate all monies received from the sale of their items or a percentage. More information will be forthcoming in a separate email. Also, Shawn Felty gave his classification talk and shared his college experience and how he got into advertising, and how his mentor encouraged him to go out on his own and he opened Sire Advertising in 2002.
Announcements: 1) Dan recognized our two guests, Simona Lovik and Jay Helmar, who were introduced by Kelly Feiler. 2) Art provided an update on the Golf Ball Drop ticket sales. He thanked those that already have sold and turned in ticket monies. He has the sign up sheet and will be placing tables at Smokers Express and the Commons. 3) The board has accepted the membership application of Chapin Jones.
Sergeant at Arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected $30 in happy fines from (with social distancing and masks being worn, this editor may have missed a few): Tom Gates (Wes and guests); Dave Lawer (Wes and guests); Kelly (guests, speaker and REC); Charlie McCuen (Wes); Toby Skinner (Wes and grandson); John Fischer (fundraiser and REC); .Carol (guests, Wes, Art for lockbox); Konrad (being a good day); Mary (guests); Art (Wes, brother Joe, guests); Dan (Marv)
Future Programs:
Oct. 22 – 2019-20 Distinguished Service Award, Art Bowen host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Oct. 29 – TBA, Toby Skinner is the host. SVCC. 11:45a.m.
Nov. 5 – TBA, John Fischer host. SVCC, 11:45 and Election of 2021-2022 Officers and Directors.
October 4 – Sarah Maneval, 21 – John Reed
November 6 – Gerald Stauffer & Donna Shuck, 9 – Marty Blessing, 15 – Art Bowen
Quotation: “And when the broken-hearted people / Living in the world agree / There will be an answer / Let it be”. The Beatles