Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Newsletter
Rotary Opens Opportunities
Vol. 93, No. 19 – President – Dan Mahoney – Editor – Carol Handlan
Next Meeting: November 19 – Malcolm Derk, host. Update on Susquehanna University – 12:10pm via ZOOM. ZOOM will be opened at 12:00 noon, 10 minutes prior to start of meeting.
Nov. 12, 2020: 16 Rotarians joined via ZOOM, for a club assembly, hosted by President, Dan Mahoney. 1) Marv Rudnitsky, Youth Officer provided an update related to Raven’s role as youth counselor and staying in communication with our former inbound student Jose. He still speaks highly of his experience here and is looking to a career in law. We also have a junior student who is being interviewed for a six-week outbound program but has already expressed an interest in doing a full year program, which is permissable, but we would have to accept an inbound student. 2) President Dan, asked Carol Handlan to read the slate of Officers and Directors for 2021-2022. They are as follows: President – Robert (Bob)Bertram, President Elect – Shawn Felty, Past President – Daniel (Dan)Mahoney, Vice President – Stacey Napoli, Secretary – Harold (Hal)Dunkelberger, Treasurer – Sarah Maneval, Service Area – Arthur (Art)Bowen, Vocational – Marty (Martha)Blessing, International – Georgiann (Toby)Skinner, Community – Patricia (Pat)Pinkowski, Youth – Marvin (Marv)Rudnitsky. The second reading of the slate for 2021-2022 will be at our November 19th meeting. 3) Art provided an update on the Golf Ball Drop and thanked everyone who helped with the event. There were 690 tickets sold for a total of $6,900. After expenses for printing tickets and new signage and winner payouts, the club made $2,905.17. The winners were posted on our Rotary Facebook site. 4) President Dan announced the resignation of John Stokinger, who is rejoining his original Rotary Club in Maine. He also announced the resignation of Don Rowe. Don has shared that he will assist the club with the winterization of Rotary Field. President Dan acknowledged and thanked both John and Don for all of their contributions to our club. They will be missed. 5) Cheryl Stumpf is organizing a work party this Saturday (November 14) to rake leaves and is looking for volunteers. You can contact Cheryl directly or just show up at Rotary Field at 1:00pm. Bring rakes or leaf blowers if you have them. 6) President Dan put out a request for alternative fundraisers since we were unable to hold some of our events. Only the Golf Ball Drop and the Veterans Flag Display were able to be held. 7) Treasurer, Sarah Maneval provided a brief discussion on the club’s current financial status; stating that we have the monies to cover the scholarship funding, that Dave Lawer stated would be $3,000 or $4,000. 8) Our newest member, Jodi Cope will be installed via ZOOM at our next meeting.
Announcements: Covered during club assembly.
Sergeant at Arms: Marv Rudnitsky provided some humor and collected happy fines from Marv (grandson) Dan (Carol) Art (golf ball drop being over).
Future Programs:
Nov. 26 – Thanksgiving – No Meeting – Happy Thanksgiving
Dec. 3 – TBA, Mary Peterhaensel is the host. Via ZOOM.
Dec. 10 – Pam Ross of Snyder County Libraries is the speaker. Mike Flock is the host. Via ZOOM.
Dec. 17 – Holiday Luncheon. Art Bowen is the host. TBD
November 6 – Gerald Stauffer & Donna Shuck, 9 – Marty Blessing, 15 – Art Bowen
December 4 – Kristen Horten, 7 – Bob Bertram, 8 – Cheryl Stumpf & Charlie McCuen, 10 – Marv Rudnitsky, 23 – Dan Mahoney, 30 – Dottie Anderson
Quotation: “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” – Walt Disney