Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Newsletter
Rotary Opens Opportunities
Vol. 93, No. 22 – President – Dan Mahoney – Editor – Carol Handlan
Next Meeting – December 17 – Holiday Luncheon, Art Bowen, host
December 10, 2020: 13 Rotarians and 2 guests joined us via ZOOM, to hear Pam Ross, Executive Director of the Snyder County Library System, share an update on the functioning of the library during this stage of the pandemic. Pam was not feeling well and quarantined herself in the lower level of her home pending testing but was gracious enough to still join us. Pam mentioned it was Marv Rudnitsky day at the library (in honor of his birthday) and a sign was outside the library promoting it. The library is opened on a limited basis but is locked down and you must ring a bell and be given permission to enter. Of course, they are adhering to all CDC guidelines and require masks, have hand sanitizer, etc. available. At this time, they saw a slow down with people this week but are active; mostly with document processing, helping people in multiple ways with understanding what is needed, to getting the documents faxed out or printed for them. They do a lot of online programming and received grant funding from the Rudy Gelnett Trust for a movie studio. The Friends of the Library did not hold their annual Tree Fest of Children’s Books but the library had a virtual festival of trees in its place this year. You can hear the corresponding books read online and also vote for your favorite tree. They did place trees that were sponsored by groups in the window area, so they could be viewed from outside. Related to services, they provide hot spots for individuals (helped by the United Way); staff determines who they are made available to; dependent on bandwidth in that area and actual need. They also provide a program on Tuesdays where they deliver to homes of mostly seniors who are housebound. A lot of human interaction is needed and staff speaks to these individuals in advance to understand their needs. E-books are available to read or listen to online and again, they provide printing of critical documents and fax services for the public. The pandemic has left everyone with a need to make necessary adjustments on how business can continue during these uncertain times and serve the public safely.
Announcements: 1) President Dan read the slate of officers for 21-22: Past President-Dan Mahoney, President-Bob Bertram, President Elect-Shawn Felty, Vice President-Stacey Napoli, Secretary-Hal Dunkelberger, Treasurer-Sarah Maneval. Motion made by Dottie Anderson and second by Dave Lawer. Motion passed. 2) Pat Pinkowski shared that a family was selected, with the help of the REC, to be the recipients this year. It was suggested that we take $400 from the treasury and put out a notice to the membership to make a donation; which could either be billed on your quarterly statement or send a check to Sarah. Dottie Anderson made a motion to use $400 from the treasury and a second was made by Marv Rudnitsky. Motion passed. 3) President Dan brought up the holiday luncheon and will be donating an Isabella’s gift certificate to the member who is the “most festive”. 4) Marv Rudnitsky introduced, Young American – Emeline Snook, a senior at Selinsgrove Area High School. She has been class President for all 4 years and is extremely involved in many activities like dance, tennis, band and orchestra, to name a few. Her interest is in health care and volunteers at Geisinger and is on their Youth Provision Council. She was also a counselor with Susquehanna’s Kids College. Her love of tennis saw her facilitate a project to help line tennis courts and through her research, Emeline was able to find a company in the Philadelphia area that took on the project for free. She has applied to 11 colleges and accepted at 6 already, with NC at Chapel Hill her first choice. She plans to follow in her dad into the field of Pharmacy. What a very impressive young lady.
Sergeant at Arms: Marv Rudnitsky provided a bit of humor and recognized birthdays for Cheryl, Charlie, Marv and Bob. He collected happy fines from Carol (speaker, Emeline), Chapin (speaker, Emeline and living in his new home), Dave (speaker, Emeline and officers).
Future Programs:
Dec. 24 – No Meeting – Happy Holiday
Dec. 31 – Meeting – Happy Holidays
Jan. 7 – Bob Bertram, Host. TBD
December 4 – Kristen Horten, 7 – Bob Bertram, 8 – Cheryl Stumpf & Charlie McCuen, 10 – Marv Rudnitsky, 23 – Dan Mahoney, 30 – Dottie Anderson
Quotation: “Worry is like a rocking chair: It gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere”. – Erma Bombeck.