March 18, 2021

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Newsletter
Rotary Opens Opportunities
Vol. 93, No. 33 – President – Dan Mahoney – Editor – Carol Handlan

Next Meeting – March 25 – Gerald Stauffer, host. Mike Molesevich, Environmental Consultant

March 18, 2021: 18 Rotarians joined us via zoom, to hear Dr. Jonathan Green, President of Susquehanna University speak. Dr. Green was introduced by host, Malcolm Derk. Jonathan holds a Doctor of Musical Arts from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He joined the university in July 2017 after serving as provost and dean of the faculty at Illinois Wesleyan University. He has also written 8 musical books. Jonathan shared the difficulties directly related to the pandemic and how educational leaders became health leaders on campus. Dr. Dave Richard who’s strong life science and strategic planning background was instrumental in the scientific review of all protocols that was necessary to follow in an ever changing environment; and became an expert in the different testing methods; which he is now certified to conduct on campus. Plus, he did an analysis of all of the ventilation systems and they were modified as necessary. Students started back in March on a staggered basis and are tested regularly. At the present time, there are 4 active cases and those students are quarantined. All of these processes, came with a financial burden, however, monies were available through the CARES Act and PHEAA Rescue Act that went to students in the form of financial aid. In spite of the pandemic, this is the best retention the university has experienced in years and they are running ahead in deposits for Fall 2021.  Looking ahead for some normalcy by the Fall semester. Dr. Green shared in the short term the university is set to make a public announcement soon, in regard to having a presence in downtown and currently Issacs auditorium is being renovated. Lots of positive comments from Rotarians and congratulations to the university for all of its efforts to protect the faculty, staff and students.

Announcements: 1) Vice President, John Fischer presided over the meeting. 2) Acknowledged Mary Peterhaensel’s birthday 3) Melissa shared the Mallet Madness committee met and all systems are go. Brochures should be printed shortly and they are working on a link to the Community Foundation, so monies can be sent directly there. Volunteers are needed. 4) Dave shared this is the 35th year for the scholarships and applications are being received. Pat, Raven, and Carol are helping in the review process. 5) We have delayed the annual Distinguished Service Award, until we can meet again in person. We have one person identified but would still entertain any other recommendations to consider. Please send the name of any person you might designate, to receive this honor, along to Art Bowen. 6) Reminder Rotary volunteers needed for REC food distribution on Friday, March 26.

Sergeant at Arms:  Marv Rudnitsky provided a bit of humor. He collected happy fines from Carol

(speaker, husband doing well), Art (recovering from covid, 6 days golfing), Dave (speaker), Marv (PSU wrestling), John F. (speaker, Florida), Mary (great birthday celebration with family), Jay (Rec food distribution 3/26), Malcolm (speaker, Alan Zemaitis), Raven (speaker, SU students, Art’s recovery, daughter’s surgery). Sorry if I missed anyone or what was said.

Future Programs:
April 1 – Dan Mahoney, host. Robert A. Garrett, P.E.  President/CEO, GSVCC
April 8 – Donna Shuck host. Club Assembly about Mallet Madness
April 15 – Pat Pinkowski, host. Mark Rogers, Proprietor of Union Cellars Winery
April 22 – John Reed, host – TBD
April 29 – Jared Roush, host – TBD

March: 13 – Kelly Feiler, 15 – Mary Peterhaensel, 24 – Dave Lawer, 31 – Ken Miller
April:  6 – Brian Neitz, 7 – Ken Wagner, 20 – Gary Gosnar

Quotation: “We Become What We Think About.” -Earl Nightingale


Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 896 8545 3654

Passcode: 290174

Dial by your location

  +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)