Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Opens Opportunities
Vol. 94, No. 2 – President – Robert Bertram – Editor – Carol Handlan
Rotary Newsletter
Next Meeting – July 22 – Club Assembly, Bob Bertram Presiding. Calendar distributed, Audit Committee appointed, budget presented and discussed – Sarah Maneval, Treasurer.
JULY 15, 2021: 19 fellow Rotarians and 4 guests joined us at Isabella’s. Host, Dottie Anderson introduced Colleen Kerber and Maddie Rice, Summer Seals (SS) co-directors. Dottie provided a short background on the history of Summer Seals and how is started through Rotary and how the program was kept going even through the pandemic. The SS is an innovative six week summer program, designed to give multifaceted assistance to students, in an enriching social and academic environment. Focusing on improving oral reading and comprehension skills; strengthen math problem solving skills; improving social and interpersonal development and keeping the student campers engaged mentally and physically. This year’s summer camp started on June 14 and runs daily through August 5 from 8:00am to 3:00pm daily. In addition to the two co-directors, there are 4 teachers, and 2 foster grandparents that work with the students. They do take school trips to places like a recent one to Clyde Peelings Reptile Land and spend time outside at the local parks and pool. This makes it an all around fun as well as a learning experience for the campers. The SS campers will be holding a car wash on July 28. Come out and support campers and this wonderful program! To learn more about SS, you can follow them on Facebook or their website.
Announcements: 1) President Bob reminded everyone that Jared Roush and Carol Handlan will be installed next week as President-Elect and Past President for 2021-2022 by Dottie Anderson. 2) President Bob also mentioned our participation in the Market Street Festival and needs everyone to think about what we want to do at our stand. 3) Tom Gates gave an update on Wheels in the Grove; stating that they have 40 cars signed up but still looking for more. Selling Wheels t-shirts for $20 and they still need volunteers and at least 3-4 people for traffic control. 4) Ken Miller spoke about the Green Box which he personally sponsored for our Rotary Club this year. He shared what batteries can be accepted and lithium batteries must be taped. He ask that we use the bags. The box will be on the table each week. 5) Art is working on the 2021-2022 Calendar and mentioned when scheduling your speakers that we do have a projector and microphone now; if your speaker needs one.
Sergeant at Arms: Marv Rudnitsky shared some humor and also collected Happy Fines from Art (speakers, Bill Clarke), Tom (speakers, Wheels applications received), Bob (speakers, guest, Art for microphone), Carol (speakers, guests, brewfest, Chapin and Cheryl), Mary (guests, became a great-grandmother), Marv (speakers, guests, ESCC), Toby (speakers), Dave (speakers, guests, week at the beach, 50th anniversary, Mallet Madness), John (speakers, SVCC food), Gary (grand-kids), Pat (birthday, speakers), Cheryl (missed meeting, speakers, guests, teaching yoga), Don (missed meeting, seeing everyone), Earl (speakers/guest, meeting goal).
Future Programs:
July 22 – Club Assembly, Bob Bertram Presiding. Calendar distributed, Audit Committee appointed, budget presented and discussed – Sarah Maneval, Treasurer.
July 29 – Dave Lawer – host
August 5 – Kelly Feiler – host
August 12 – Konrad Kempfe – host
August 19 – Ken Miller – host
August 26 – Ken Wagner – host
July: 19 – Hal Dunkelberger and Jared Roush
August: 11 – Javier Videla, 16 – Earl Ferster and Konrad Kempfe, 29 – Jay Lemons
Quotation: “Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.”– Raymond Lindquist