Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Opens Opportunities
Vol. 94, No. 3 – President – Robert Bertram – Editor – Carol Handlan
Rotary Newsletter
Next Meeting – July 29 – Dave Lawer, host. Prepare to be educated and bring a copy of your last electric bill for reference!
JULY 22, 2021: 23 fellow Rotarians joined us at Isabella’s for another wonderful lunch as we welcomed back Dominico from his trip to Italy. President Bob opened the Club Assembly and then Dottie Anderson installed Jared Roush as our 2021-22 President-Elect and Carol Handlan as our 2021-2022 Past President. With the time remaining, we mainly discussed the club’s participation in the 42nd Annual Market Street Festival; that will be held on Saturday, September 25 from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. Members provided feedback on what we should offer in the way of fundraising. Providing food is time consuming and is offered by so many other vendors. The main messaging was to keep it simple by perhaps doing more informational and having only one booth and maybe doing the purple pinky. We also need someone to step up and champion the event for the club’s participation. We need to get an application completed and submitted. Carol Handlan stated she would do this on behalf the club but can not oversee the Rotary participation because she is co-chairing the MSF responsibilities. Everyone was to think about the event further and come back this next week, so we can make a decision on what we will be doing and have volunteers sign up for the day long event.
Announcements: 1) Tom Gates gave an update on Wheels in the Grove; stating that they have 47 cars signed up but still looking for more. Selling Wheels t-shirts for $20 and they still need volunteers and at least 3-4 people for traffic control. 2) Dave Lawer asked everyone to bring a copy of their monthly electric bill for reference next week, during our speaker’s presentation; not to have it paid.
Sergeant at Arms: Marv Rudnitsky shared some humor and also collected Happy Fines from the following (sorry if I missed any) Tom (shootout, REC food distribution), Bob (brewfest), Carol (beautiful day, brewfest, rotary volunteers and attendees), Marv (brewfest), Toby (brewfest), Dave (brewfest), John (brewfest, borough), Cheryl (Chapin), Earl (meeting goal, greenery), Melissa (mallet madness, leadership, vacation), Sarah (brewfest, allstarts), Konrad (beautiful day), Malcom (brewfest, Lancaster with his boys).
Future Programs:
August 5 – Kelly Feiler – host
August 12 – Earl Ferster – host
August 19 – Ken Miller – host
August 26 – Ken Wagner – host
August: 11 – Javier Videla, 16 – Earl Ferster and Konrad Kempfe, 29 – Jay Lemons
Quotation: “Have enough courage to start and enough heart to finish.” – Jessica N. S. Yourko