Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Opens Opportunities
Vol. 94, No. 4 – President – Robert Bertram – Editor – Carol Handlan
Rotary Newsletter
Next Meeting – August 5 – Kelly Feiler host. Kelly will be providing at update on the REC.
JULY 29, 2021: 20 fellow Rotarians and 5 guests joined us at Isabella’s. Host, Dave Lawer, introduced, Dalton (Buzz) Savidge, who educated us on interpreting our residential electric bills and how to shop for electric. The kilowatt-hour is a measure of how much electricity your household uses. One kilowatt-hour equals the amount of electricity used by ten 100-watt lights left on for one hour. Generation charges and prices are set by the electric generation supplier you have chosen. The Public Utility Commission regulates distribution rates and services. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regulates transmission prices and services. You can choose the company that supplies your electricity by visiting or and compare what the better rate is at the time. If shopping, know your contract expiration date. You can find your current kilowatt-hour rate on your monthly bill to use for comparison and know this rate changes the 1st of June and December each year. In our table discussions, we saw a mixed bag, where some of us shop and some of us did not feel the savings was that significant to make a change. Buzz did a nice job of calling our attention to areas on our monthly bills to pay attention to!
Announcements: 1) Melissa Laniewski introduced her guest, daughter, Courtney Haines; 2) Marty Blessing introduced her guest, Linda Turner; 3) Marv Rudnitsky introduced his guest, our former exchange student, Jose Perez. Jose spoke to all of us and shared how grateful he was to have come to Selinsgrove through our program in 2019-20 knowing no English and how COVID 19 cut short his program in March 2020 and with only 5 days advance notice he said his goodbyes and headed home to Chile. He did finish high school and is studying law. Currently he is on winter break and able to travel here for 3 weeks. 4) Sarah Kowalski, Rotary District 7360 Governor-5 spoke briefly about our District clubs all gathering at the Country Cupboard on September 15 and encourages us to participate. She passed out new rotary pins to everyone. 5) Tom Gates gave an update on Wheels in the Grove and shared they have 77 cars signed up, so far; surpassing their goal of 50 but they would still consider more. Selling Wheels T-shirts for $20 and they still need volunteers and at least 3-4 people for traffic control between the hours of 4:30 – 6:00 pm the day of the event.
Sergeant at Arms: Marv Rudnitsky shared some humor and also collected Happy Fines from the following (sorry if I missed any) Tom (77 cars); Bob (guests, Marv); John (guests, golf brochure); Marv (Jose); Dave (guests, speaker, Ken-his work on Wheels); Melissa (guests); Konrad (Jose); Mike (Carol-music series); Stacey (Italy trip, Jose, guests, Carol-music series).
Future Programs:
August 12 – Earl Ferster – host
August 19 – Ken Miller – host
August 26 – Ken Wagner – host
August: 11 – Javier Videla, 16 – Earl Ferster and Konrad Kempfe, 30 – Jay Lemons
Quotation: “Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.” – Soren Kierkegaard