Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Opens Opportunities
Vol.94, No. 9 – President – Robert Bertram – Editor – Carol Handlan
Rotary Newsletter
Next Meeting – September 9 – Wesley Knapp – host; speaker is Francis Scarella of the Daily Item.
September 2, 2021: 22 Rotarians joined us at Isabella’s for another delicious lunch. Host, Charlie McCuen introduced our speaker, Pastor Dietmar Plajer of St. Pauls UCC Church in Selinsgrove. Dietmar happens to be the pastor for many of the club members. His two sons, Max and Felix, were both Rotary Scholarship recipients. He made a huge decision and moved to the US with his family from Germany. He spoke about the experiences with adapting to the COVID pandemic; which they took very seriously and ensured compliance and safety for all the congregation. He was fortunate to have a great technical team that set up remote programming. He went into detail of how 88% of the congregation wanted to open, and all-inclusive, bringing a diverse community together. Flying the rainbow flag outside to instill St. Paul’s is open and affirming their all-inclusiveness. He also spoke in regard to Messy Church and gave some insight as to it being a form of church for children and adults that involves creativity, celebration and hospitality; not having to put up appearances and getting people involved rather than retreating. Dietmar is a great speaker and story teller and was a delight to listen to. Our host, Charlie shared that Pastor Dietmar married him and his wife, Sharon, and passed a picture around of that event.
Announcements: 1) President Bob stated that we had a good board meeting we would be donating aid via the New Orleans Rotary Club to assist in the aid relief from the devastation of Hurricane Ida. 2) President Bob stated that Earl Ferster recently had a stroke and is in Evangelical Hospital. Gerald Stauffer visited Earl and said he was doing okay but was not sure how long he would be there. 3) Marv Rudnitsky stated the International Student program appears to be going to happen. 4) President Bob also mentioned the District event on September 15 and if anyone is interested in attending with him to let him know. 5) Tom Gates birthday was acknowledged and everyone sang softly to him. 6) Carol Handlan stated the board accepted the membership application, Dr. Richard Davis, submitted by membership chair, Cheryl Stumpf. The board accepted Dr. Davis’ membership. If any Rotary member has any questions or concerns, they need to let President Bob know as soon as possible. 7) Carol Handlan asked if anyone has spoken to Wes Knapp because she is having trouble reaching him and mentioned that she sent him a note via USPS and is hoping to hear from him.
Sergeant at Arms:
Marv Rudnitsky shared some humor and also collected Happy Fines from the following (sorry if I missed any because it’s hard to hear): Marv (speaker); Marty (speaker, Tom’s birthday); Bob (speaker, Tom’s birthday); Linda (speaker); Mike (speaker); Carol (speaker, beautiful day, summer music series ending, granddaughter’s broken elbow); Art (speaker); Charlie (speaker, golf committee); Raven (speaker, Tom’s birthday, Penn State football); Dottie (appreciate everyone’s concerns that she missed and niece’s fall); Dave (speaker).
Future Programs:
September 16 – Mike Flock – host; Speaker – Melissa Laniewski will enlighten us again on the crazy real estate market
September 23 – Marv Rudnitsky – host; Speaker – Judge Michael Hudock
September 30 – Sarah Maneval – host; Speaker – Emily Gorski, Founder of nonprofit, 930 DIG Furniture Bank
October 7 – Melissa Laniewski – host; Speaker – Melissa Laniewski will give an update/summary of Mallet Madness
October 14 – Marty Blessing – host, Speaker – Nick Gilson, Gilson Boards
Future Events:
September 13 – Annual Golf Classic SVCC 11:45 am – 7:00 pm
September 15 – Gathering of all District 7360 Rotary Clubs at Country Cupboard in Lewisburg
September: – 3) Tom Gates, – 5) John Fischer, – 6) Melissa Laniewski, – 24) Don Summers
Quotation: “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” – Charles R. Swindoll