The Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club started with a meeting held on April 8, 1927 at First Lutheran Church, now Sharon Lutheran Church, in Selinsgrove. Edgar R. Wingard, a member of the Sunbury Rotary Club and appointee of District Governor John Uhl, presided over the meeting. While no record of the meeting exists, it is assumed that the initial charter members were signed up and plans were made for a formal chartering ceremony.

The actual chartering ceremony took place on June 27, 1927 in the Horton Dining Room of Seibert Hall at Susquehanna University. The Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club was the 2,553rd club to be chartered into Rotary International. As reported in the Club’s 50th Anniversary booklet, “records indicate that the chartering ceremony was a truly gala affair, with 270 persons representing 15 Rotary Clubs from the surrounding communities.”

It was not long into its history before Rotary International adopted the motto “Service above self – He profits most who serves best,” and is the ideal that guides Rotary Clubs throughout the world in initiating and carrying out service projects and activities.


June 27, 1927 – Charter night in Seibert Hall. Because Dist. Gov. Edgar R. Wingard is a Selinsgrove native, a large attendance of over 270 persons is present. Speakers for the evening are past Dist. Gov. Ezra Ripple, of Scranton; J.P. White, of Lewisburg; Ed Glenn, of Berwick; Gen. Chas. Clement, of Sunbury; Dr. Jacob Diehl, President of Susquehanna University; and Frank Eyer, of Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club. Fifteen Rotary Clubs are represented.

December 1928 – Rotary starts sale of health bonds at $5.00 each to benefit the Christmas Seals. Sales totaled $1,000.00.

March 1935 – Rotary supports crippled children foundation by selling seals in Snyder County.

February 1941 – Rotary raises $100.00 in five minutes to benefit a Snyder County Girl who was a victim of infantile paralysis in 1925, and one of the first to receive therapy at Geisinger. The girl was offered a position on the premise that she would take advanced training. Her family has raised some money, but still needed $100.00 to secure the training. When Rotary learned of this need, the $100.00 was raised in five minutes.

October 1943 – Rotary sponsors banquet for the football squad, a practice that continues for two years. The Club also sponsors the Boy Scout movement in Selinsgrove, with A.T. Soper in charge of the scouting program.

April 1945 – Rotary sponsors clothing drive for the United National Clothing Collection for countries devastated by the war.

March 1947 – Rotary raises money to buy the Selinsgrove High School Band new uniforms.

July 1950 – Rotary purchases first uniforms for the Selinsgrove Little League baseball teams.

December 1950 – Rotary hosts Christmas party for crippled children.

September 1951 – Three day block carnival held with proceeds to build bleachers at the Moose playground ball diamond. Chairman Nick Ebert, publicity; Ralph Witmer, negotiations; and Max Valsing, bingo. Proceeds were $729.79.

April 1952 – After a discussion on little league baseball led by Leroy Harro and Nick Ebert moved that Rotary sponsor the program, the motion is carried. This motion was prompted by the lack of volunteers in the community.

August 29, 1953 – Rotary purchases 17 building lots from Ms. Catherine Snyder on North Broad Street. The site is to be a permanent home for the Little League field, which has been in use at this location for two years.

October 1953 – Rotary contributes $615.26 to High School Band Uniform Fund.

July 1955 – Art May, Bob Montgomery, Percy Miller, and Graydon Ranck burn the mortgage on Rotary Field.

December 1955 – Rotary sponsors gifts for 40 crippled children in Snyder County.

August 1956 – First Rotary-Kiwanis Picnic held at Rolling Green Park. After the meal, Rotary goes on to win the softball game.

February 1958 – First meeting of the West Snyder Rotary Club held at Leo’s in Beaver Springs. Art May assists the new club until its charter is received.

April 1961 – Club decides to erect a building on the Rotary Field.

December 1961 – Selinsgrove Planning Commission meets with Rotary to discuss plans for a Selinsgrove bypass.