Dec. 3, 2009

             Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

                          The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands

Vol. 83, No. 22               President – Jeffrey P. Edmunds                      Editor – Dottie Anderson  


Next Meeting: December 10, 2009 – Konrad Kempfe presents a Rotary video. DG Carl Askew will be present to install new members Justin Troup, Michael Bingamin, and William Reibschied. Donna Shuck will preside.  SVCC, 11:45 a.m.    

December 3, 2009 – Twenty-seven were in attendance for this special program arranged by Earl Ferster – Remembering Pearl Harbor – presented by John Deppen. December 7, 1941, in the words of FDR in his speech to Congress, is “a date that will live in infamy.”  John read from the President’s speech and shared copies of newspaper headlines describing the first days following the attack that led to the United States declaration of war and “official” entering into WW II.  It is most appropriate that we be reminded of the events of that day.  Joyce Anderson presented candy bars to note Nelson Bailey’s fourth anniversary as a Rotarian, and Don Summer’s and Fred Johnson’s 8th anniversary.   

Announcements: Remember to visit Tree Fest between now and 12/18 at All Staints. *Hal Schriver is circulating a sign up sheet for Rotarians to Ring the Bell for the Salvation Army this holiday season. **November is Rotary Foundation month and Mike Damiano reminds members of EREYexpectation. ***A thank you card was circulated for signatures and is to be sent to Randy Hawk for his removal of leaves from Rotary Field ****At the Board Meeting, a six month leave was granted to the Spiegel’s , it was noted that the Audit (Committee: Ken Miller, Earl Ferster, Hal Schriver) is in process, the budget for 09-10 was adopted); the Little League Tournament and Rotary BBQ will be June 12.

Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: Art Bowen (thanks to Joyce and grandchildren visit, library raffle tickets); John Stokinger (VT hunt and thanksgiving); Bill Clark (Atlanta son’s birthday and thanksgiving); Bob Fogle (Fl. Trip and thanksgiving); Donna Shuck (Selinsgrove football, missed meetings, Rose Bowl trip); Bob Soper (thanksgiving and granddaughter’s success); Diane Altderson (first NFL game in Philly); Mary Peterhaensel (late); John Thompson (ham radio award); and Earl Ferster ( + 15 and our speaker).


Future Programs:                              

Dec. 17 – Christmas Dinner and Party – 6 p.m. Cash Bar; 6:30 p.m. dinner. Art Bowen hosting. SVCC. Guests, partners welcome. Sign-up sheet circulating. Magician providing entertainment. Cost: $18.50.

No Meeting Dec. 24 or Dec. 31

Jan. 7 – Classification talk by Dr. John Thompson. BJ’s in Selinsgrove, 11:45 a.m.

Jan. 14 – Classification talk by Diane Alderson. BJ’s in Selinsgrove, 11:45 a.m.


Birthdays:  Dec.8 – Charlie McCuen; 30 – Dottie Anderson; 31 – Donna Long. Jan. 3 –
Shane Hendricks; 5 – Michael Damiano; 14 – Don Harnum; 24 – Mike Flock.

Quotation: “Everything that is done in the world is done by hope.

                                                    Martin Luther