Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Vol. 84, No. 26 President – John L. Stokinger Editor – Mike Flock
Next Meeting: Jan. 6 – Rabbi Nina Mandel, hosted by Bill Reibschied.
PLEASE NOTE – Meeting at BJ’s in Selinsgrove, 11:45 a.m.
Dec. 30, 2010: 25 members and guests were entertained by Jim and Judie Charles, owners of Isle of Que River Guides in Selinsgrove. After retiring from a 40 year career as a local banker Jim and Judie launched a second career as guides on the Susquehanna River. Their services include fishing, kayak rentals and boat rides. By far the most popular is boat rides where they can entertain a family with an assortment of activities. The sights and sounds of the river are breathtaking and people have come from far and wide to enjoy their services. Jim also provided some great historical background of the river that passes through our valley. One little known fact; the Susquehanna River is one of the three oldest rivers in the world; dating back 300 million years. For more information, go to
Announcements: Club will meet at BJ’s January 6, 20 and first two weeks in February while kitchen at SVCC undergoes renovations. Jan. 13 we will meet at the SUN Area Tech Institute in New Berlin, with lunch being served at 11:30 a.m. Jan. 27 is Urban-Rural Night, hosted by Jerry Rhoades. A new supply of Rotary hats is available at $14.20 each.
Sergeant at arms: Mike F. (wife & Jim & Judie Charles), Bob S. (18 guests at Xmas & glass collection), John S. (two Xmas celebrations), Earl F. (just happy), Toby S. (son home for holidays), Pat P. (Xmas & seeing family), Mike P. (daughter playing Mary at church), Judie C. (having sons together at Xmas), John B. (friends at Rotary and guidance of the 4-Way Test), Donna L. (family birthdays and Charles’ as friends), Tom G. (Xmas & Family, especially twin, 3-year olds) and John Fischer (surviving Xmas).
Future Programs:
Jan. 13 – Hosted by Ken Miller, Club will meet at the SUN Area Tech. Institute in New Berlin, with a presentation by Administrator Dennis Haine. 11:15 a.m., with lunch served at 11:30 a.m., followed by tour. Sign up a must by 12/30.
Jan. 20 – TBA, BJ’s, Selinsgrove, 11:45 a.m.
Jan. 27 – Urban Rural Night, hosted by Jerry Rhoads. Chicken and waffles dinner at
Birthdays: Dec. 30 – Dottie Anderson & Diane Alderson; 31 – Donna Long. Jan. 3 – Shane Hendricks; 5 – Michael Damiano; 13 – Mike Piecuch; 14 – Don Harnum; 24 – Mike Flock.
Quotation: We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future. Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945)
Happy New Year
3939 Park Road
, 6:00 p.m., partners and guests welcome.