May 12, 2011

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Building Communities/Bridging Continents 

Vol. 84, No. 44

President – John L. StokingerEditor – Dorothy M.

Next Meeting: May 19, 2011–Selinsgrove Area Community
Foundation/Rotary Scholarship Winners. Kendra Aucker hosts. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.


May 12, 2011: Approximately 30 Rotarians and guests (Donna Schuck’s husband, Rick
and Michael Hayes’ sons Andrew and Charlie, and DG Connie Wydra) for the
installation of new member Sheri Hoffman and a presentation on ADA Title III
and Litigation Abuse by Attorney Cory A. Iannacone. Donna Schuck was the host.
DG Wydra, assisted by sponsor John Fischer, installed Sheri as the newest
Selinsgrove Rotarian. Sheri’s classification is Business Education. Donna
provided background concerning recent events in which several area businesses
were sued for not being in compliance with ADA, Title III. She and Rick want to
education local business persons so that they understand that there is no
“grandfather clause” based on being an old building and that any public
accommodation and/or commercial establishment that predates the 1990 law must
still meet the “readily achievable” without excessive cost ADA standard.
Attorney Cory recommends that businesses do a self audit (or pay for an
engineer and a forensic accountant) to determine what is “readily achievable.”
With the Labor and Employment Division of Rhoades & Sinon, LLP, Mr. was
very informative on the topic.

We were saddened to learn
from Konrad Kempfe that Fred Schreck passed away this past Saturday in Arizona.

Announcements: June 11 is the Chicken Barbeque.
SELL, SELL, SELL, those tickets. Members are expected to sell them and turn in
the proceeds or to pay for them outright. Members are asked to return payment
in the envelope provided. A signup sheet for working on 6/11 is being
circulated.*5/14, from 2-5 p.m. is the third annual Savor Selinsgrove event
with tickets for sale on line or the day of the event. The Club’s share of proceeds
from this event support RI Polio Plus program. **Please consider being a Beds
for a Cause host. Talk with Michael Hayes.***Thursday, 5/19 at 4 p.m. is the
Groundbreaking of the new Selinsgrove Library/Borough Building/Commons. Plan to
attend this historic event.****June 3-26, volunteers are needed to staff the SU
Gallery for the Simon Snyder Exhibit. Signup to work from 1:30 to 4:30.*****June
26, the District Polio Plus Bike Riders will make a stop at Rotary Field. More
information later.

Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: from John
Stokinger (DG slam); himself (SVC pops concert); John Reed (high school musical
and SVC concert); Konrad Kempfe (SVC); Tim Duke (leaving early); Pat Pinkowski
(pops concert); Mike Flock (eagle visible from front porch); Michael Hayes (Andrew
and Charlie, Sheri); Mary Peterhaensel (Wellsboro Club greetings and Bishop’s
Retreat); Bill Clark (AAA service); John Fischer (musical and Sheri); and Donna
Schuck (guests).

Future Programs:

26 – Veterans Recognition Day, speaker is Thomas Reimonsnyder, a Korean War
Veteran- Educator, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

June 2 – Retired Pittsburgh Steeler Andy
Russell will speak on “How to Create Business through Football and Charity.” A
humanitarian, businessman, and author, Andy will have books available for sale
and will autograph them. John Fischer is the host. Guests are welcome for this
special event. Call Joyce Anderson to indicate any guests coming if you miss
the signup sheet. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.

9 – Tim Duke will present classification talk, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

16 – 5:45 p.m., Priestly House for a tour and picnic dinner with members of the
Sunbury Club. Cost of tour is $4.00. Signup sheet will be circulated.



May 15 – John
Stokinger; 23 – Jack Roush. June 24 – Pat Pinkowski


Quotation: “The time you enjoy wasting is not
wasted time.” Bertrand Russell